Ee Test

This is what comes about when I get really bored during
class...Nabeel Ibrahim (

Electrical Engineering Purity Test, Version 1.0
(c)1994  Nabeel Ibrahim
You may distribute this freely, but please leave the headers intact.

This test consists of 50 yes/no questions to test your Electrical 
Engineering Purity.  You score 1 point for each "Yes" and 0 points 
for each "No," except where noted.

Total Score =  ]   your score for question k
(that's a summation symbol)


0  Have you ever discharged a capacitor?
1  Done 0 twice in one day?
10  Done 0 with your tongue?
11  Have you ever doped silicon?
100  Done 11 with someone else?
101  Done 11 with two or more people?
110  Done 11 with someone without knowing their name?
111  Have you ever tweaked a resistor?  (oh, that's so sexy...)
1000  Have you ever blown up an electrolytic capacitor?
1001  Done 1000 while an animal watched?
1010  Have you ever fondled a 10K resistor?
1011  Have you ever derived an equation?
1100  Done 1011 with a member of the opposite sex?
1101  Have you ever worn a pocket protector?
1110  Have you ever checked your email more than 10 times in one day?
1111  Done 1110 for one week straight?
10000  Have you ever made a joke about transistors?
10001  Have you ever laughed at a joke about transistors? (this 
       one is worth 3 points)
10010  Have you ever wondered how the circuitry would work in 
       that liquid metal guy in T2?
10011  Have you ever used Ohm's Law to excess?
10100  Done 10011 while someone of the opposite sex watched?
10101  Done 10011 with a large ungulate (hooved animal)?
10110  (Guys only) Have you ever counted the number of females 
       in one of your EE classes so you could gain sympathy from 
       friends in Liberal Arts?
10111  Do you speak in assembly?
11000  Has your skin color changed as a result of spending too much 
       time in front of a terminal?  (That green tone really works 
       for me...)
11001  Have you ever had a serious discussion with someone about 
       whether CISC is better than RISC?
11010  Have you ever used :-) to excess?
11011  Have you ever had to explain :-) to a friend?
11100  Have Fourier, LaPlace, or Maxwell ever visited you in a dream?  
       (This one is worth 20 points.  You *should* not, under any 
       circumstances, fantasize about EE!)
11101  Have you ever read "The Sex Life of an Electron"?
11110  Can you rapidly count to 100d in binary?
11111  Do you have more than 5 computer accounts?
100000  Do you have more than 10 computer accounts? (Geek!)
100001  Have you ever laughed at a Liberal Arts major because they 
        couldn't find a job?  (You's really fun)
100010  Are you addicted to reverse polish(HP) notation?
100011  Have you ever slept with your significant other 
        (girlfriend/boyfriend) on the floor of a computer lab?
100100  Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you met 
        through email or a newsgroup?
100101  Have you ever been turned on by a transistor?
100110  Have you ever turned on a transistor?
100111  Have you ever measured ground bounce?
101000  Done 100111 with an inanimate object?
101001  Done 100111 with a cadaver?
101010  Have you ever faked a bias point? (Have you no shame?!?!?)
101011  Have you ever had an intimate encounter with a voltage supply?
101100  Have you ever watched while someone else had an intimate 
        encounter with a voltage supply?
101101  Have you ever probed a circuit?
101110  Done 101101 with other people watching?
101111  Done 101101 more than five times in one day?
110000  Done 101101 without protection?  (You should really wear a 
        ground strap!)
110001  Did you laugh while taking this quiz?  (This one should be 
        worth 30, but it's only worth 2)

Scoring Scale:
00-15 points ==]  Go back to your English class.
15-25 points ==]  Either you have a life or you are an underclassman/woman.
25-35 points ==]  You can feel your life slipping through your 
                  fingers as you get sucked into the world of Electrical 
                  Engineering.  It could be could be in CS.
35-45 points ==]  You should definitely go to grad school in EE.
45-72 points ==]  You are a lost cause.  You're the EE equivalent of 
                  Carl Sagan.  Please do not contact me...ever.

Note:  Please send me your score, as I am trying to accumulate enough 
       data to do a statistical analysis...seriously!! (Nabeel Ibrahim)

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