St Bones Sayings

St Bones Sayings

Kirk: Where's ensign Flintstone?
McCoy: He's Fred, Jim.

Kirk: What happened to ensign Pillsbury?
McCoy: He's Bread, Jim.

Kirk: Oh my god, it's ensign Marx!
McCoy: That's right, He's red Jim.

Thought I would add my personal collection to this exceedingly silly 
enterprise [pun, what pun?]!

BTW, my friends and I made up a drinking game called "He's Dead Jim."  
You make up a list of good old ST standby phrases:  "Fascinating", "beam 
me up, Scotty", etc., and booxze it up any time you hear them.  Not too 
complicated, but it'll be a fun night--espescially if you drink Romulan Ale!


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