Blackadders Christmas Carol

From: (Ron O'Dell)
Subject: BA Christmas Carol

[revision 10 November 1992]
Blackadder's Christmas Carol
by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton
Narrator:  In the reign of good Queen Vic, there stood, in Dumpling Lane
	   in old London towne, the Moustache Shoppe of one Ebenezer
	   Blackadder -- the kindest and loveliest man in all England.
	[opening theme]
	He's kind and gen'rous to the sick
	He'd never spread a nasty rumour
	He never gets on people's wick
	And doesn't laugh at toilet humour
	Blackadder! Blackadder!
	He's sickeningly good
	Blackadder! Blackadder!
	As nice as Christmas pud.
	[as this is sung, we see a man merrily enjoying some carolers, and
	 nicking something from their donation bin (I think that's what it
	 is, at least); also, a boy wanders through the streets, picking
	[Scene: inside the Moustache Shoppe.  Baldrick is dusting off
	 a mustache which is on a stand.]
Ebenezer:  [from outside the main door]  Humbug!  Humbug!
	   [enters, holding a bag of candies]
	   [holds out the bag, in offering]  Humbug, Mr Baldrick?
Baldrick:  Oh, thank you very much.  [takes one]
Ebenezer:  Well, I've got all the presents...
Baldrick:  ...and I've nearly finished the Christmas cards.
Ebenezer:  [taking off his tall hat]  Oh, splendid! Let me see...
	   [opens up a card he has picked up from the desk]
	   "A Very Messy Christmas."  I'm sorry, Mr Baldrick -- shouldn't
	   that be `merry'?
Baldrick:  "A Merry Messy Christmas"?  All right, but the main thing is that
	   it should be messy -- messy cake; soggy pudding; great big wet
	   kisses under the mistletoe...
Ebenezer:  Yes... [going to hang up his coat and scarf]  I fear, Mr
	   Baldrick, that the only way you're likely to get a big wet
	   kiss at Christmas -- or, indeed, any other time -- is to make
	   a pass at a water closet.
	   However, be that as it may... [Baldrick gives him the card again]
	   "A Merry Messy Christmas."  `Christmas' as an H in it, Mr Baldrick.
Baldrick:  Oh...
Ebenezer:  ...and an R.  Also an I, and an S.  Also T and M and A...
	   ...and another S.  Oh, and you've missed out the C at the
	   beginning.  Congratulations, Mr Baldrick!  Something of a
	   triumph, I think -- you must be the first person ever to
	   spell `Christmas' without getting any of the letters right at all.
	[He takes the bag of presents he brought from outside into the
	 back room.]
Baldrick:  [following Ebenezer]  Well, I was a bit rushed.  I've been
	   helping out with the workhouse nativity play.
Ebenezer:  Oh, of course! How did it go?
Baldrick:  Well, not very well -- at the last moment, the baby playing
	   Jesus died!
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear! This high infant-mortality rate is a real devil when
	   it comes to staging quality children's theatre.  What did you do?
Baldrick:  Got another Jesus.
Ebenezer:  Oh, thank goodness.  ...and his name?
Baldrick:  `Spot'.  There weren't any more children, so we had to settle for
	   a dog instead.
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear...  [moving toward and eventually sitting on a chair
	   near the fireplace]  I'm not convinced that Christianity would
	   have established its firm grip over the hearts and minds of
	   mankind if all Jesus had ever said was "Woof."
Baldrick:  [as Ebenezer removes his shoes]  Well, it went all right until
	   the shepherds came on.  See, we hadn't been able to get any real
	   sheep, so we had to stick some wool--
Ebenezer:  ...on some other dogs.
Baldrick:  Yeah... and the moment Jesus got a whiff of them, he's away!
	   While the angel's singing "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Mankind,"
	   Jesus scampers across and tries to get one of the sheep to give
	   him a piggyback ride!
Ebenezer:  Scarcely appropriate behaviour for the son of God, Mr Baldrick.
	   Weren't the children upset?
Baldrick:  Nah, they loved it.  They want us to do another one at Easter --
	   they want to see us nail up the dog.
Ebenezer:  Ah, the playful young scamps, eh?  Still, what a lovely thought
	   it is: at this very moment, all over the country, from the
	   highest to the lowest, through those charming plump folks
	   somewhere in the middle, everyone is enjoying Christmas.
	[Scene changes to a room in Buckingham Palace.  Queen Victoria
	 enters, followed by the chair-bearer (what's the proper
	 name for such an individual?), and approaches Prince Albert, who
	 is wrapping something.  He speaks with a ridiculous accent.]
Victoria:  [knowing that Albert's wrapping a present for her]
	   What are you doing, Albert?
Albert:  [hiding something]  Nothing...
Victoria:  Oh yes you are, you naughty German sausage!  [sits]
	   Tell me what you're doing...
Albert:  I just said; I'm not doing anything!  Really, woman -- when you're
	 busy ruling India, you don't tell me what ]you[ are doing...
	 So why should I tell you what ]I[ am doing when I am busy wrapping
	 up this cushion for your surprise Christmas present?
	 Now I have only two surprise presents for you...
Victoria:  Oh, dear Alby, don't worry -- I don't mind.
Albert:  I ]do[... I love surprises.  [Hugs her, resting his head against
	 her bosom; she enjoys it very much]  Christmas without surprises
	 is like the nuts without a nutcrack.  [has a realisation, rushes
	 to the tree, and begins unwrapping something]  ...which is why
	 I have bought you this surprise nutcracker--
	 Damn...  Damn...
Victoria:  Oh, darling Bobo, don't worry.  [stands]  Besides, haven't you
	   forgotten something?
Albert:  What?
Victoria:  Our traditional Christmas adventure!
Albert:  Oh, yes! Of course!  The traditional Christmas adventure!
	 ...]what[ traditional Christmas adventure?
Victoria:  You silly soldier!  You know: when we disguise ourselves as
	   common folk and go out amongst the people to reward the
	   virtuous and the good...
Albert:  Oh, yes! Of course!  Dummkopf!	 [stands]  How could I forget?
	 [he shouts something in German]
	 [He reaches down, to pick up something and starts unwrapping it.]
	 For it is for precisely such an outing as this that I have bought
	 you my finest surprise present: this muff which I am going to
	 give you tomorrow--
	 Damn...  Damn...  Damn...
	[As he falls to his knees, Victoria pushes his face into her bosom.]
	[Scene changes back to Ebenezer's living room.  He and Baldrick
	 have just finished setting things on the table.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, excellent, excellent.  What a splendid spread: nuts, turkey
	   and presents.  What more could a man desire at Christmas?
Baldrick:  Well, a tree...
Ebenezer:  Oh, of course -- I'd quite forgot.  [he heads to the front,
	   shop room]  I dropped in on Mr Thicktwistle's Garden Emporium,
	   and, I think you'll agree, got quite a bargain [he opens the
	   front door and steps out to fetch something] on this special
	   Christmas Twig.  [steps back in, closes the front door]
Baldrick:  It's a bit of a tiddler, ain't it?
Ebenezer:  Yes, but size isn't important, my friend; it's not what
	   you've got -- it's where you stick it.  [sticks the twig into
	   an empty candle stand]  Besides, look: we've got a whole
	   year's profits to spend on fun and larks!
Baldrick:  How much is it?
Ebenezer:  Seventeen pounds and a penny.
Baldrick:  It'd be a lot more if you didn't give away so much money to
	   the poor.
Ebenezer:  Well, yes, but in the feeling-good ledger of life we are rich
Baldrick:  Yeah, I just wish we weren't doing so well in the
	   bit-short-of-prezzies-and-feeling-a-gullible-prat ledger.
	[The doorbell rings.]
Ebenezer:  Well, bless my ten toes!  Who could that be on this cold night?
	[Baldrick opens the door.  Mrs Scratchit enters, carrying a basket.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, Mrs Scratchit!  Greetings to you on this merry Yuletide Eve.
Scratchit:  [crying]  Oh, Mr Blackadder!!!  How can I be merry when we are
	    so poor we shall have nothing to eat on Christmas Day? except
	    what Grandfather can scrape from under his big toenail...
	    No goose for Tiny Tom this year!!!
Ebenezer:  Mrs Scratchit, Tiny Tom is fifteen stone and he's built like
	   a brick privy!  If he eats any more heartily, he will turn
	   into a pie shop.  [this is all said in the nicest way possible]
	[Scratchit bawls]
Ebenezer:  [As he walks around the counter]  Oh, pardon me, but, look, look,
	   there must be something we can do... [points inside her basket]
	   Ah! That box of matches in your basket is just the thing I need.
	   How much did they cost?
Scratchit:  [holding up the box, suddenly not crying]  A quid a match.
Ebenezer:  Mrs Scratchit, I suspect that to be a lie of sorts...
	[Scratchit puts on her crying act again]
Ebenezer:  [rushing round the counter]  ...oh, but, but it's Christmas Eve,
	   so here: take ten pounds. 
Scratchit:  So you don't want all the matches, then -- there's seventeen
	    of them!
Ebenezer:  Mrs Scratchit, you have the body of a weak woman, but the mind
	   of a criminal genius!  Here: seventeen pounds, then.
Scratchit:  [quite happy, speaking rather like having completed a swindle
	    that she has done many times before]  Lovely!  [leaves]
Ebenezer:  [calls after her] ...and my best wishes to your massive offspring!
	[Baldrick closes the door]
Baldrick:  So: we had seventeen pound and a penny, and we've given Mrs
	   Scratchit seventeen pounds, so that leaves...
Ebenezer:  [sighs, holding up the penny]  Yes, come on, Mr Baldrick;
	   seventeen pounds and a penny minus seventeen pounds leaves...?
Baldrick:  [looks at the penny while thinking, then speaks with confidence]
	   Thirty-eight pounds, eight shillings, fourpence!
Ebenezer:  Not bad, Mr Baldrick.  The answer is in fact a splendid shining
	[The door opens; a boy steps in and speaks]
Boy:  Merry Christmas Eve, Mr Slackbladder -- I mean Blackadder!
Ebenezer:  [approaching]  Ah! and to you, young urchin!
Boy:  A penny for Christmas cheer, sucker -- I mean sir?
Ebenezer:  [looks at his penny, knowing it's all he has]  Erm, well...
	[Boy fakes a tantrum]
Ebenezer:  Well, certainly! Here!  [tosses penny over]
	[Boy catches it and immediately runs off]
Ebenezer:  [steps out, calling after Boy]  Er, going to buy some cake and
	   pie for yourself and your silver-haired mother?
Boy:  Nah, sod that -- I'm off to the gin shop.
Ebenezer:  [returning inside]  Che! They grow up so fast these days,
	   bless 'em.  Oh well -- another year without profit!  Still,
	   it ]is[ Christmas, and let us remember, Mr Baldrick [he takes
	   the candle stand which holds the twig, and returns to the back
	   room], that, be we as stony as a biblical execution, it is still
	   the season of good cheer, and we have all our Christmas treats:
	   nuts, turkey and presents.
	[A ghastly high-pitched cackle pierces the air.]
Ebenezer:  [looking out the back window]  Oh! and my God-daughter, Millicent!
	   [he takes picks up a pair of ear muffs]  Er, secure the ornaments,
	   Mr Baldrick [he puts the ear muffs on], and let her in.
	   [while Baldrick is gone, he speaks to himself]
	   So, we'll put all our presents under our little tree: A scarf
	   for me, a pair of gloves for Mr Baldrick, and a hat for
	    [Millicent cackles as she enters.  Baldrick comes in a short
	     while later, with handkerchiefs stuffed in his ears.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, Millicent!  To what do I owe this excellent pleasure?
Millicent:  Oh, I just thought I pop round, you know, just on the off chance.
	    Well, you know, Christmas is a time traditionally connected with
Ebenezer:  It is indeed, and, look: [picks up the hat] a lovely hat for my
	   dear God-daughter.
Millicent:  [quickly snatching it from his hands]  Oh, thanks.  [looks at
	    the items still on the table]  Oh! and look: [picking up things
	    as she mentions them] a scarf and a pair of gloves to match!
	    Well, that's not bad, I suppose.  [cackles]
Ebenezer:  [making sure his earmuffs remain in place]  Yes, jolly good.
Millicent:  I'm sorry I can't stop.  I thought perhaps I might come back
	    tomorrow at ]lunchtime[...
Ebenezer:  Oh, what a splendid idea!
Millicent:  It'll just be little me and my teensy boyfriend -- so cook a
	    couple of extra turkeys!  Thanks for all the prezzies...
Baldrick:  [sarcastic]  Why don't you take the flipping tree?
Millicent:  [taking it]  Oh, you ]are[ sweet!!!  [turns to leave]
	    Thanks...  [cackles as she leaves]
Ebenezer:  Bye!  [removing the earmuffs]  My, what a jolly young girl.
Baldrick:  Yeah -- pity she nicked all the presents.
Ebenezer:  Yes, but I thought you and I would be spoilt enough with the
	   turkey and [picking up a bowl of nuts] this mountain of nuts
	   we have.
	[The doorbell rings.]
Ebenezer:  Well, peel my tangerines! This ]is[ [?]!
	[In the front room, Beadle enters, followed by three extremely fat
	 orphan boys, whom he warns to stay behind him and not push.]
Ebenezer:  [from the back room]  Ah, Beadle! Charmed, honoured, and
	   lovelied in every possible way!
	[Baldrick hides the turkey in his coat as Beadle and the orphans
	 enter the back room.]
Beadle:  [to the shoving orphans, who all are trying to fit into the room]
	 Get back!  [to Ebenezer]  Felicitous compliments of the gorging
	 season to you, sir.  Peace on Earth, and fat tums to all men.
Ebenezer:  Well, indeed, indeed... and what of your little orphan charges?
Beadle:  Well, I don't think I charges them enough, as a matter of fact.
	 Luckily, you're here to cover up the shortfall, Mr Blackadder.
	 They're looking forward to coming tomorrow, perhaps bringing
	 a little surprise for you...
Ebenezer:  Oh, surely not another totally unexpected rendition of
	   `God Rest Ye Merry Mr Blackadder'...
Beadle:  Not for me to say, sir.  All I can say is that it's Christmas as
	 usual, except, sadly, we've managed to polish off all our nuts
	 before the big day... [he and the orphans all lean toward the bowl of
	 nuts. Baldrick, behind the orphans, jumps up and down trying to see.]
Ebenezer:  Oh, well, what luck!  As fate would have it, we have some.
	   Here: help yourselves.  [the orphans all prepare to grab them]
Beadle:  [stopping them]  No, sir! No, sir, I couldn't possibly take them
	 from you! Absolutely not!  [picks up the bowl]  Is this all, is it?
Ebenezer:  Yes...
Beadle:  Well, it'll have to do, then!  [gives bowl to orphans, who scramble
	 hungrily around it]  See you tomorrow!  [laughs as he and orphans
Ebenezer:  Well, what a jolly fellow!
Baldrick:  Looked like a fat git to me.
Ebenezer:  Well, yes, Mr Baldrick, but you mustn't judge people from outward
	   appearances.  Strip away the outer layers of a fat git, and,
	   inside, you'll probably find a--
Baldrick:  ...]thin[ git.  Here; those orphans were a bit fat, too.
Ebenezer:  Well, there's some truth there.  [goes to sit in fireside chair]
	   Certainly, when I go and visit them, I do tend to remove all
	   sharp objects for fear of bursting one of them and getting
	   showered in two dozen semi-digested pies... But what of it?
	   As long as they're happy...
Baldrick:  [removes turkey from his coat, puts it on table]  Well, at least
	   we've still got our turkey!  [goes over to Ebenezer]  And -- who
	   knows? -- Christmas is a time for miracles, so, maybe, if we
	   screw up our eyes really tight and pray to the big pink pixie
	   in the sky, someone will come and reward us... come on!
Ebenezer:  [complying, reluctantly]  Oh, dear innocent Mr Baldrick...
	[After a short pause, the doorbell rings.]
Baldrick:  See?
Ebenezer:  Well, baste my steaming puddings!
	[He and Baldrick go into the front room.  Baldrick opens the door;
	 Victoria and Albert are there, badly disguised.  The chair bearer
	 also is there (sans chair). Sappy "good-news" music plays.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, good evening, sir and madam.
Victoria:  Good evening.  We have come here on a mission to reward the
	   virtuous this Christmas Eve.
	[Baldrick smiles.]
Ebenezer:  Good heavens!  [looks at Baldrick, rather stunned]
Albert:  [not hiding his accent]  ...and we have heard many stories of your
	 kindness and generosity.
Ebenezer:  Oh, well, one tries...
Victoria:  So, please...
Ebenezer:  Yes?
	[Sappy music stops suddenly.]
Victoria:  Give us ten pounds for the virtuous old lady next door.
Ebenezer:  Ah, well, we'd love to oblige, but I'm afraid we haven't anything
	   to give.
Albert:  Surely you must have something... What about a goose?
Victoria:  [slightly turned on]  Oh, ]Albert[!
Baldrick:  Well, we've only got a turkey, see...
Victoria:  Oh, that sounds ideal!
Baldrick:  [in a disappointed whine]  Oh...
Ebenezer:  Well, there's a bit of luck!  Mr Baldrick, fetch the turkey!
	   [while Baldrick is fetching it, he makes idle conversation,
	   and speaks to Albert]  Er, I detect from your accent, sir, that
	   you are not from round here...
Albert:  Ah, nein!  [slowly, trying to enunciate]  I am from...Glasgow.
Ebenezer:  Ah, a fine city!  I love the Gorbals!
Albert:  Ah... Yes... The Gorbals... I love them, too -- a lovely couple;
	 lots of fun.
Baldrick:  [having returned, holds the turkey out to Albert]
	   Bye bye, birdy...
Victoria:  Very well done indeed.  Good evening.  [leaves]
Ebenezer:  Good evening...
Albert:  [before he walks out]  ...and if I bump into Mr and Mrs Gorbal,
	 I'll give them your regards.
	[Ebenezer returns to the back room.  Baldrick is hanging a stocking
	 from the fireplace. An unaccompanied violin plays the Blackadder
	 theme slowly.]
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear, Mr Baldrick; it looks as though we're in for a bit
	   of a thin Christmas...
Baldrick:  Don't you worry, Mr B -- I'm hanging my sock up so Santa will
	   come down the chimney.
Ebenezer:  Mr Baldrick, I guarantee that if there's one thing liable to
	   stop Santa coming down the chimney, it's your sock waiting for
	   him at the end of it.
Baldrick:  Well, if I don't hang my sock out, how will Santa fill it?
Ebenezer:  Mr Baldrick, if you ]do[ hang your sock out, Santa will be
	   dead before he gets within a hundred yards of it!  Don't you
	   have any other socks?
Baldrick:  I've got one other... [raises a leg]
Ebenezer:  Oh, don't worry about it, my dear fellow.  Take one of mine
	   from the linen cupboard.  I'm off to bed -- there's nothing
	   else to stay up for.  Good night, Mr Baldrick.
Baldrick:  'night 'night.  Oh! By the way -- I forgot to mention: When you
	   were out there...
	[the violin is now replaced with spooky noises]
	   ...there was this enormous ghostly creature coming here saying,
	   "Beware! for, tonight, you shall receive a strange and terrible
	[the spooky noises stop suddenly]
	   I just thought I'd mention it.
	[spooky noises start up again]
	   It come through the wall, it said its piece, and then it sodded off.
	[noises stop again]
Ebenezer:  [chuckles]  Oh, fine.  Goodnight, Mr Baldrick.  [he leaves into
	   the stairway to his bedroom]
Baldrick:  'night 'night.  [he goes to sleep in the chair]
	[Scene changes to Ebenezer's bedroom.  He is lying in bed, and is
	 woken by someone saying a spooky "Woo!"  The door to the room falls
	 in, as steam and green light comes through.  Also coming through
	 is a large bearded man holding his hands out, wiggling his fingers
	 spookily, saying the "Woo!"  He steps in and laughs deeply, and
	 begins to thrust his arms about, then does more, quicker, "Woo!"
	 noises, getting sillier.  Eventually, Ebenezer, rather unfazed,
	 speaks to the man (`Spirit').]
Ebenezer:  Can I help?
Spirit:  [speaks with Scottish dialect]  No thanks, no, no no...  I just
	 popped in to say `hello'.  [shakes Ebenezer's hand]  Spirit of
	 Christmas; how do you do.  Just doing my usual rounds, you know:
	 a wee bit of haunting, getting misers to change their evil ways.
	 But you're obviously such a good chap [pats Ebenezer on the knee],
	 there'll be no need for any of that nonsense, so I'll just say
	 `cheery-bye'.  Cheery-bye!  [turns to leave]
Ebenezer:  Well, can I get you a cup of tea or anything?
Spirit:  You wouldn't have anything a wee bit more, er, medicinal...?
Ebenezer:  Oh, I see...  I've only got some of Nurse McCready's Surgical
	   Bruise Lotion.  [motions where it is]
Spirit:  [picks up bottle]  Oh, nothing but the best at this house, eh?
	 [eagerly opens it, sits `backward' in the chair next to a mirror
	 and dresser, begins drinking]  Mmm! Delicious.  Well, this is a
	 nice change from all those skinflints.  You know that old fellow
	 down the road?  Bags of money!  I caught him trying to cut down on
	 his heating bills by using his John Thomas as a draught excluder!
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear... old people today, eh?  Tell me: How do you get them
	   to change their ways?
Spirit:  Well, it's all visions these days.  We used to use black-and-white
	 line drawings, but the visions are more effective.
Ebenezer:  Well, what sort of thing?
Spirit:  Well, it depends, really.  With some people, it's just a glimpse
	 of their behaviour at school behind the pennyfarthing sheds...
	 Er, some other people, well, we just show them how rotten their
	 ancestors were.  Of course, with ]your[ ancestors, it would have
	 to be the full one-hour-ten vision with a break and ice cream.
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear! That bad, were they?
Spirit:  Och -- did nobody tell ye?  Stinkers to men!  Oh, perhaps you'd like
	 to see...  [waves his free hand about and twiddles his tongue]
	[Scene changes to Elizabethan England.  Lord Edmund Blackadder looks
	 very bored at his servant, Baldrick, who is offering him a Christmas
	 cracker.  They are just outside the throne room.]
Baldrick:  Come on, My Lord!  Give it a little pull!  You know you want to!
	   It'll be ever so exciting!
Edmund:  [gives in]  Oh, God...  [he pulls the cracker as Baldrick winces
	 in anticipation of the crack, but there's only a little squeak]
	 Yes -- terrifying.
Baldrick:  And, look, there's a surprise present for you inside.  It's a
	   novelty death warrant, and you give it to a friend.
Edmund:  Oh, just what I've always wanted.  [crumples it]
Baldrick:  Have you got anything for me?
Edmund:  Oh, it's nothing, really.
Baldrick:  [charmed]  Oh, Sir...
Edmund:  No, it's really nothing.  I haven't got anything for you.
	 [walks to a large curtained object]  I spent all my cash on this
	 damn thing for the Queen.  [pulls the curtains open, to reveal a
	 portrait of the Queen]  She'd better she'll bloody like it -- she
	 dropped enough hints.  [shuts the curtains]  Gah, that woman's about
	 as subtle as a rhinocerous horn up the backside.  [lifts the
	 portrait]  Door.
	[Inside, Queen Elizabeth I and Nursie are tearing apart coloured-
	 paper chains.  Edmund enters, carrying the curtained portrait.]
Edmund:  Good morning, Your Majesty.  Christmas again, eh?  What joy.
	 [puts the portrait down]  Don't you just love it?
Elizabeth:  No -- I hate it!  In fact, I've just abolished it.
Edmund:  I'm sorry...?
Elizabeth:  I ought to block up the chimneys, burn all the crackers, and kill 
	    anyone I see carrying a present.  [looks at the portrait]
Edmund:  Oh.  [lifts the portrait and prepares to leave]
Elizabeth:  [points at portrait, speaks demandingly]  What's that, Edmund?
Edmund:  This? ... It's a window...
Elizabeth:  A window?
Edmund:  Yes, but you seem to have one here, so, sorry to disturb you...
	 [exits, leaving her baffled (Nursie just grins brainlessly)]
	[Outside, Edmund hands the portrait to Baldrick, who holds it from the
	 bottom, so it covers his face.  Edmund closes the door, and pulls
	 open the portrait's curtains.]
Edmund:  Well, so much for that.  [punches the Queen's face in the portrait;
	 his hand goes through the canvas and hits Baldrick's face.  He then
	 motions to Lord Melchett, who approaches]  Ah, Melchett!  Greetings!
	 I trust that Christmas brings you its traditional mix of good food
	 and violent stomach cramp.
Melchett:  ...and compliments of the season to ]you[, Blackadder.
	   May the yuletide log slip from your fire and burn your house down.
Edmund:  I'm glad I saw you -- I feel it only fair to warn you that the Queen
	 has banned the Christmas, so I wouldn't get her a present this year.
Melchett:  Oh, I'm indebted to you for that advice, Blackadder, and I shall,
	   of course, follow it to the letter, the day I get my brain replaced
	   by a cauliflower.  [exits]
Edmund:  [claps his hands once]  Hah! Got him with my subtle plan!
Baldrick:  [lowering the portrait finally]  I can't see any subtle plan.
Edmund:  Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself
	 purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing "Subtle
	 Plans Are Here Again."  It's what we call a double-bluff.  Melchett
	 will undoubtedly do the opposite of what I tell him, go and get an
	 enormous present, give it to the Queen, and then [runs his finger
	 across his neck and makes a quacky noise].
Baldrick:  What, he'll turn into a duck?
Edmund:  Yes...  [walks off; Baldrick follows, with the portrait]
	[In the throne room, Nursie continues to tear apart paper chains,
	 while Elizabeth is looking out the window.]
Nursie:  Pity about this, Tinkywink.  You always used to love this time
	 of year.
Elizabeth:  [turns round; she is fondling a Christmas pudding]  I know --
	    leaving a little mince pie and a glass of wine out for Father
	    Christmas, and then scoffing it because I was a princess and
	    could do what I bloody well liked.  [sits in throne]
Nursie:  ...and wondering if your father's wife would last until Boxing Day
	 without having her head cut off.
Elizbeth:  We knew; if he gave her a hat, she'd probably be all right.
Nursie:  Happy days...
Elizabeth:  Yes...  Maybe I was a little rash...
	[Edmund and Melchett enter and bow.]
Elizabeth:  Ah! Boys!  Welcome back!  [hands the pudding to Nursie]
	    But, Melchett, what have you got under your coat?
	[Edmund raises his eyebrows, smiling slyly.]
Elizabeth:  [demandingly]  It's not a present, is it?
Melchett:  A present, Majesty? but of course!  [reveals a crown; mutters
	   to Edmund]  You're so painfully transparent, Blackadder.
Edmund:  Am I...
Elizabeth:  Oh, that's fab!!!  I ]love[ presents!
	[Edmund rolls his eyes, unhappy about the Queen's wishy-washiness.]
Elizabeth:  [to Melchett]  You know, for a moment I took against Christmas,
	    but I'm completely dippy about it again.  In fact, I'd like to
	    marry you!  ...if you weren't as unattractive as a giant slug!
Melchett:  [laughing]  Oh, pish, Majesty!
Elizabeth:  But, anyway, to reward you, I'm going to give you ]lots[ of
	    presents!  Um, fancy a castle?
Melchett:  Well, Windsor, Majesty...
Elizabeth:  ...title?
Melchett:  Duke of Kent?
Elizabeth:  ...anything else?
Melchett:  Well, a devilish saucy wife would be fun.
Elizabeth:  [thinks]  Lady Jane Pottle!
Melchett:  Oh, yummy!
Elizabeth:  I think she's Blackadder's girl at the moment, but that doesn't
	    matter, does it, Blacky...
Edmund:  No, of course not, Ma'am... and perhaps Lord Melchett would like
	 to whip me naked through the streets of Aberdeen...
Melchett:  Oh, I don't think we need go that far, Blackadder...
Edmund:  Oh, too kind...
Melchett:  No -- Aylesbury's quite far enough.
Elizabeth:  Super.  Well done, Melchy.  And, now, Blackadder, what have
	    you got me?
Edmund:  Erm...
Elizabeth:  I WANT A PREZZY!!!  Give me something nice and shiny; and if
	    you don't, I've got something nice and shiny for you, and it's
	    called an axe!
Edmund:  Erm, well, well... [looks down at his person hoping to find
Elizabeth:  Right! That's it.  Any last requests, Blackadder, before I chop
	    your block off and put it on top of the crimble tree?
Edmund:  [still searching his person, comes across the novelty death warrant]
	 Er, well, there is one, actually, Ma'am: You know how much I've
	 always been a great admirer [motions his hand to and fro between she
	 and Melchett] of you both -- I was wondering if I could just have
	 your autographs, erm, to keep me company during the final, tragic,
	 lonely hours...  [he already has handed her a quill]
Elizabeth:  Oh, all right.  [signs]
Edmund:  Ah, there.  Thank you, Ma'am.  [moves to Melchett]  And, Lord
	 Melchett [gives him the quill]...just there... [Melchett signs]
	 Thank-- [looks astonished]  Oh! Dear me!
Elizabeth:  What is it?
Edmund:  Why, this piece of paper that Your Majesty has just signed turns out
	 to be some sort of death warrant!
Elizabeth:  Oops.  ...and I can't go back on it without destroying the whole
	    basis of the British Constitution...
Edmund:  I fear not!
Elizabeth:  Is there a name on it?
Edmund:  Well, yes, there is, actually... It says, "Lord"... er, I can't
	 read this terrible childish writing... er, "Lord...Mel...chett" ...
	 "Lord Melchett"; that's it.
Melchett:  [trying to grab the paper from Edmund]  Ma'am! Ma'am! Ma'am!
	   It's a trick!  You've been tricked!
Elizabeth:  Oh, good!  Christmas is a time for tricks and japes and larks
	    of all kinds.  Tell you what, Blackadder: that's so brilliant,
	    I'll execute Melchett instead!
Edmund:  You're very kind, Ma'am.
	[Nursie looks at Melchett and laughs maniacally]
Elizabeth:  ...and I suppose that means that everything of Lord Melchett's
	    becomes yours.
Edmund:  I suppose it does.  [he presents a hand to Melchett and snaps his
	 fingers; Melchett gives him the crown; he gives the crown to
	 Elizabeth, who is delighted]  Merry Christmas, Ma'am...
	[Scene changes back to Ebenezer's bedroom.]
Ebenezer:  [with a slight grin]  Good lord!
Spirit:  Horrible, eh?  [stands, goes to the bedside]  What a pig!
Ebenezer:  Yes, although clearly quite a clever, charming pig.  [Spirit is
	   shocked]  But, no, as you say, his behaviour...disgraceful.
Spirit:  Ah, you're a great improvement on them all.  [pats Ebenezer's
	 knees again]  You're a good boy...
Ebenezer:  `Them'?  Are there more?
Spirit:  Oh, yes!  Have a shufti at this!  [waves his arm and makes
	 "Woo!" noise]
	[Scene changes to Regency England.  Edmund Blackadder, butler to
	 the Prince Regent, enters the vestibule outside the Prince's
	 quarters with his own servant, Baldrick.  He is carrying a red
Edmund:  Right, Balders... [puts sack on a chair]  I'm sick of getting
	 no presents and the Prince Regent getting the lot, so this is
	 the plan: We play our traditional game of charades, and, when
	 he gets bored and asks for a story, you come out here [lifts
	 the sack up a bit], stick the dress and the hat on, and then
	 knock on the door.  I'll take it from there.  Have you got it?
Baldrick:  Got it...
Edmund:  Yes, well, you certainly will get it if you mess this up.
	[Inside, Prince George tries to wake Lord Horatio Nelson, who sits
	 in a chair, holding a drink in his left (and only) hand, with an
	 eyepatch over his left eye.  Edmund and Baldrick enter.]
Prince:  Ah, hurrah!  Welcome, lads!  Oh, this is the stuff, eh? Christmas
	 sherry and charades with honest manly fellows.  I mean, for
	 Heaven's sake, what can I do with a girl that I can't do with
	 you, eh?
Edmund:  I cannot conceive, Sir.
Prince:  Yes, well, there's that, I suppose.  Now; who's first up for the
	 game?  I'd ask old Horatio here, but he's out of it, I'm afraid;
	 so it's, er [points at Baldrick], what, it's the little monkey
	 fellow first, then, is it?
Edmund:  It is indeed, Sir.
Prince:  Ah, excellent!  Oh, I love charades... [goes over to sit in a chair]
Edmund:  OK, off you go, Baldrick.
	[Baldrick steps in front of them, then opens his arms like a book.]
Edmund:  It's a book...
Baldrick:  Well done, Mr B!  I didn't think you'd get it ]that[ quickly.
Prince:  Well, I must say, Bladder, that was damn clever!
Edmund:  Yes, another great Christmas tradition: explaining the rules eight
	 times to the Thicky Twins.  The round hasn't in fact started yet.
	 It's got to be a specific book.  For instance, if it was The Bible,
	 I would go like that [holding up two fingers] to indicate that there
	 are two syllables in it...
Prince:  Two what?
Edmund:  Two syllables.
Prince:  Two silly bulls?  I don't think so, Blackadder -- not in The Bible.
	 I can remember a fatted calf, but, as I recall, that was quite a
	 sensible animal.  Oh, ah! It's it, um, er, Noah's Ark, with the, er,
	 two pigs, two ants, and two silly bulls?  Is that it?
Edmund:  Two syll]a[bles.
Prince:  What?
Edmund:  Look, we're getting confused; let's start again, shall we?
Prince:  No, let's not, Blackadder.  I think the whole game's getting
	 a bit syll]a[, to be honest.  How about a nice Christmas story
Edmund:  Oh, what a good idea, Sir.  [motions at Baldrick]  I'll just
	 get rid of the servant, shall I?  There's a limit to how long
	 the smell of roasting chestnuts can blot out the aroma of Baldrick's
	 trousers.  [as he shows Baldrick out, he mutters to him]  Don't
	 forget the dress and the hat, Baldrick.  [he returns to the Prince]
	 So, shall I begin the Christmas story?
Prince:  Absolutely, as long as it's not that terribly depressing one about
	 the chap who gets born on Christmas Day, shoots his mouth off about
	 everything under the sun, and then comes a cropper with a couple
	 of rum coves on top of a hill in Johnny Arab land.
Edmund:  You mean Jesus, Sir...
Prince:  Yes, that's the fellow.  Keep him out of it -- he always spoils
	 the X-mas atmos.
Edmund:  Certainly, Sir.  Instead, I shall tell you a story about--
Nelson:  [wakes]  Ah!  Oh my god!!!  I've gone blind! blind!!!
	[Edmund moves Nelson's eyepatch to the right eye.]
Nelson:  Oh, that's better.  [falls back to sleep]
Edmund:  As I was saying: This is a story about a handsome young prince...
Prince:  Ah, now, this is more like it.  What; good looking, [points at his
	 wig] lovely hair perched on top of his head like an exceptionally
	 attractive loaf of bread?
Edmund:  Exactly.
Prince:  Yeah, I can imagine him -- excellent fellow.
Edmund:  Well, it is a tale about him and a sad, lonely, old granny who's
	 dying of cold on a cruel Christmas night.
Prince:  Not a comedy, then...?
Edmund:  No, Sir.  ...and when she thought that all was lost, and that she
	 would die on Christmas night and be swept up on the Boxing Day
	 morning, mistaken for a huge dirty handkerchief--
	[Prince cries into his handkerchief]
Edmund:  ...then she knocked on the door of a handsome young prince, ]named
	 George[, who gave her all his ]massive collection of Christmas
	 presents[, and she lived happily ever after.
Prince:  [he cries some more]  Oh, my Satan's Sausage, Bladder! What a fine
	 tale!  I'm quite moved to tears, don't you know...
Edmund:  Oh, good...
	[The doorbells ring.]
Edmund:  [obviously]  I wonder who that could be?
Prince:  ...on a cold, dark, cruel Christmas night... tricky one...
	 It could be a robin...
Edmund:  [who has moved to the door]  Why, Sir!  Rather coincidentally, it
	 is a sad, lonely, old granny who's dying of cold.  Shall I fling
	 her from your door, Sir, saying that there is no room in our
	 Christmas for a sad, virtuous, silver-haired, old, elderly angel
	 like her?
Prince:  No, Blackadder, you swine!  Bring her in!
	[The doors open from the outside, as a cart-pushing human figure in
	 red old woman's clothes barges in and starts taking all the presents
	 off the table, putting them into the cart.]
Edmund:  [mutters to Granny]  [??????], Baldrick.
Prince:  Take all you want, Granny!  You have found Georgy-Porgy, your
	 handsome prince!
Granny:  Thank you, Sir...
Edmund:  Shall I show her to the door, to make sure she doesn't steal the
	 silver on the way out?
Prince:  Oh, no -- tell her to take it!
Edmund:  Oh, you're very generous, Sir.  [bows and closes the door]
	[He finishes closing the doors and turns round to an empty vestibule.]
Edmund:  Excellent, excellent, Baldrick!  A triumph!  [pause]  Baldrick?
	[Baldrick enters, wearing white old woman's clothes.]
Baldrick:  Sorry, Mr B -- I was just showing a sweet old granny to the door.
	   Are we ready yet, Sir?
Edmund:  [serious] What?
Baldrick:  Well, I answered the door and it was this sweet old granny
	   collecting for charity, so I let her in.
Edmund:  Aaaaaaaagh...
Baldrick:  Something wrong, Mr B?
Edmund:  No, don't worry -- I should have known not to trust a man with
	 the mental agility of a rabbit dropping.
Baldrick:  Sorry, Mr B.
Edmund:  Oh, it's perfectly all right -- it's not your fault.  [punches
	 Baldrick in the face; Baldrick falls over]  Still, I fear for
	 a frail elderly woman, laden with valuables, travelling through
	 the inadequately lit streets of London...
Baldrick:  [having just got back on his feet]  Yeah -- she's not safe, Sir.
Edmund:  Well, not from me, certainly.  [punches Baldrick in the face; exits]
	[Back in Ebenezer's bedroom; Spirit now is lying beside Ebenezer.]
Ebenezer:  Hah hah! Very amusing!
Spirit:  In what way?
Ebenezer:  Er... the wigs... very amusing wigs.  But his behaviour, as you
	   say...disgraceful.  But, he actually ]got[ the presents!
Spirit:  Yyyyyyes, yes...
Ebenezer:  So, there is actually something to be made out of being bad...
Spirit:  Er, technically... technically... yes... yes... But that's not the
	 point, is it?  It's the the soul...the ]soul[...
Ebenezer:  As a matter of interest, what would happen in the future if
	   ]I[ was bad?
Spirit:  Erm...  Heavens! Is that the time?  I really must be off...
	 [stands up, but Ebenezer grabs his arm]
Ebenezer:  I'd love to see Christmas Future...
Spirit:  No no no no no no no no...  It's terribly melodramatic...
Ebenezer:  Look; just show it...please...
Spirit:  All right...  [wiggles his fingers a bit and makes a reluctant
	 "Nyeu" sound]
	[Scene changes to the distant future.  Queen Asphyxia XIX sits in
	 her throne area as her three husbands -- Lord Frondo, Prince Pigmot
	 and Bernard -- have just materialised.  Bernard is on a raised
	 platform behind Asphyxia, and is just a head with a huge life-support
	 system.  Pigmot is to the right of Asphyxia, and Frondo is in front
	 of Pigmot.  Behind them, a hologramme display shows either a spinning
	 green oscilloscope design or a close-up of whoever speaks.]
Husbands tutti:  Hail Queen Asphyxia, Supreme Mistress of the Universe.
Asphyxia:  ...and hail to you, my Triple-Husbandoid.  I summon you here
	   to group-greet our swift imperial navies home.  [calls]
	   Approach, Grand Admiral of the Dark Segment and Lord of the
	   High-Slung Bottoms of Zob!
	[Commander Blackadder walks forward, with all sorts of metal bits
	 attached to his leather.  He holds his space helmet, and wears
	 and metal eyepatch over his left eye.  His breastplate armour bears
	 the age-old Blackadder symbol.]
Blackadder:  [militaristically]  'morning.
Frondo:  To you, Blackadder -- thrice-endowed Supreme Donkey of the
	 Trouserpod -- this much greeting [he raises a hand up to his
	 forehead and lowers it with two and a half vertical waves].
Pigmot:  [speaks with American dialect]  I, too, bold navigator [he gives
	 four vertical waves], cringe my dribblies at your resplendent
Blackadder:  Yes, well, that won't be necessary, thank you.
Asphyxia:  Approach your slave: Baldrick!
	[Baldrick steps forward, wearing leather highboots, a studded leather
	 collar, studded leather wristbands, and a leather bikini brief with
	 a single stud.  He stands in a dramatic pose.]
Blackadder:  For God's sake, Baldrick -- if you're going to wear that
	     ridiculous jockstrap, at least keep your legs together.
Baldrick:  [salutes]  Wilco, Skipper!  [adjusts his stance]
Blackadder:  Majesties, I give you this much greeting [he puts his hand to
	     his forehead and lets it drop straight back down].
Frondo:  What news of the foul Malmydons?
Blackadder:  Scattered to the Nine Vectors, My Lord.
Frondo:  ...and the Sheepsqueezers of Splatican Five?  Have they been
	 suckcreamed as a Qvarnbeast's nobbo?
Blackadder:  Well, they're dead, if that's what you mean.
Pigmot:  Plus, Commander, did you vanquish the Nibblepibblies?
Blackadder:  No, My Lord Pigmot, I did not vanquish the Nibblepibblies,
	     because you just made them up.
Asphyxia:  Hah hah hah hah hah!  Excellent, Commander!  You have most
	   pleasantly wibbled my frusset pouch.  Bring forth the gift
	   with which you honour me.
Blackadder:  Majesties: from a place where the stars begin and end, I bring
	     you this!  [he holds up a silver rod with two equally-sized
	     spheres at the ends; a nob at the bottom of the lower one and
	     a spike at the top of the higher one. The higher sphere also
	     has numerous rods protruding from the equator]
Bernard:  Oh, lovely -- an ashtray!
Pigmot:  [kneels beside Asphyxia]  Come, Majesty -- he wastes our time.
	 I yearn to attend "Twenty Thousand Years of The Two Ronnoids"
	 on the [box plof?].
Frondo:  Yes! Send him to the sprouting chamber!
Asphyxia:  No, wait!  [to Blackadder]  What is it, Commander?
Blackadder:  Well, I'll show you, shall I?  [he raises the object; it fires
	     a ray at the husbands, who are dematerialised; Asphyxia looks
	     around, shocked]  And now, Your Majesty, I must respectfully
	     insist that you hand over to me the supreme command of the
	     universe, sew a button on my spare uniform, and marry me this
	[He has walked forward; he removes a glove from one hand.
	 Asphyxia also has walked forward. The two now are on opposite
	 sides of a plasma sphere.]
Asphyxia:  I thought you'd never ask.
	[They both place a hand on the plasma sphere.]
	[Back in Victorian times, Ebenezer Blackadder laughs.]
Ebenezer:  So, let's get this straight: If I was bad, my descendents would
	   rule the entire universe!
Spirit:  Maybe... Maybe... But would you be happy?  Being ruler of the
	 universe is not all it's cracked up to be -- there's the long
	 hours... I mean, you wave at people the whole time... you're no
	 longer your own boss.
Ebenezer:  But, but, so, what if I stayed good?  When then does the
	   future hold?
Spirit:  Ah, well, I really must put my foot down here.  I've got four
	 hauntings and a scare-the-bugger-to-death to do before morning.
	[Ebenezer lifts a hand, wiggles his fingers and goes "Woo!"]
Spirit:  No!  No!  [tries to bat away the incoming vision]
	[Back to the future]
Husbands tutti:  Hail Queen Asphyxia, Supreme Mistress of the Universe.
Asphyxia:  ...and hail to you, my Triple-Husbandoid.  I summon you here
	   to group-greet our swift imperial navies home.  [calls]
	   Approach, Grand Admiral of the Dark Segment and Lord of the
	   High-Slung Bottoms of Zob!
	[Commander Baldrick walks forward, with all sorts of metal bits
	 attached to his leather.  He holds his space helmet, and wears
	 a metal eyepatch over his left eye.  His breastplate armour bears
	 the age-old Blackadder symbol.]
Baldrick:  [raising his left arm]  Hail!
Asphyxia:  ...and your slave...
	[Blackadder steps forward, wearing leather highboots, studded leather
	 collar, studded leather wristbands, and a leather bikini brief with
	 a single stud.  He stands in an upset, bored pose.]
Asphyxia:  What's his name?
Baldrick:  I can't remember, Your Majesty.
Frondo:  No matter, Supreme Marshall of the Smells.  What news of the
	 foul Malmydons?
Baldrick:  Good news...
Asphyxia:  Excellent!
Baldrick:  ...for the Malmydons -- they wiped out our entire army.  Sorry;
	   I got a bit confused and dropped a bomb on our own lot.
Asphyxia:  Silence, squidling!  Bring forth the gift with which you honour me.
Baldrick:  Oh, damn, I forgot the bloody present and all.
	[Blackadder looks quite fed up.]
	[The vision ends.  Ebenezer now is standing.]
Ebenezer:  So: one way, it's glory everlasting; the other, it's wearing
	   Baldrick's posing pouch!
Spirit:  Well, it's not as simplistic, but it does at least point a very
	 clear lesson.
Ebenezer:  Namely...?
Spirit:  Namely...that the rewards of virtue are largely spiritual, but
	 all the better for it.
Ebenezer:  You don't think it points the very clear lesson that
	   bad guys have all the fun?
Spirit:  No! No! Absolutely not!  The rewards of virtue are infinitely
	 more attractive!  [stands, puts an arm around Ebenezer]
	 Picture it: Quiet evenings in your hovel alone; a Bible; your
	 own turnip!
Ebenezer:  Oh, well, that makes all the difference!
Spirit:  So you're going to be a good boy, then?
Ebenezer:  Oh, absolutely.
	[Spirit looks at him intently]
Ebenezer:  Would I lie to you?
	[Spirit turns, starting his "Woo!" some more, and steps backward
	 through the doorway, steam pouring out.  The door raises back
	 into place (the entrance video run in reverse).]
	[Christmas morning.  Ebenezer wakes up.]
Baldrick:  [from outside the room]  Mr Blackadder!  [enters, holding a sock]
	   Looks like Father Christmas just forgot about me this year.
Ebenezer:  [stands]  Oh, dear me... [takes sock, and begins reaching inside
	   it]  But don't be too unhappy; because, if you look very
	   carefully, there's something in this stocking from me...
Baldrick:  Oh!
Ebenezer:  In fact, it's something I made for you...
Baldrick:  Well, that's the kind of prezzy that shows the most love!
	   What have you made for me, Mr B?
Ebenezer:  I've made you... [takes his hand out] ...a fist.
Baldrick:  A fist?
Ebenezer:  Yes -- it's for hitting [punches Baldrick in the face]...
	   and what's wonderful about it is that you can use it again
	   [punch!] and again [punch!] and again [punch!].  Well, what
	   do you say...?
Baldrick:  [weakly]  Thank you, Mr B...
Ebenezer:  Think nothing of it, Baldrick -- I, after all, think nothing
	   of you [punch!].
	[Hanging onto the window, calling through, is the young boy.]
Boy:  Oi! Gitface!  How about a penny for the season?
Ebenezer:  Hark! Do I hear the voice of a darling little cherub at the
	[Ebenezer walks to the window and opens it, causing the boy to
	 fall down with a scream.]
Ebenezer:  [looks outside, then shuts the window]  No -- I must have
	   imagined it.
	[The doorbell rings.]
Baldrick:  Shall I get that, sir?
Ebenezer:  No, Baldrick -- leave them out in the snow until I get dressed.
	   I'll only be about forty minutes.
	[Forty minutes later, in the front room, Baldrick stands by the
	 door as Ebenezer finally comes downstairs, dressed.]
Ebenezer:  Door.
	[Baldrick opens the door.  Leaning into the doorway, now with
	 icicles hanging from their noses, are Beadle and the three
	 fat orphan boys.]
Beadle:  [holding a tiny Christmas pudding]  Compliments of the season, sir.
	 We have come to sing merrily and to make you a gift of a small
	 pudding.  [to orphans]  ...3, 4...
Beadle and orphans:  [singing]
			God bless Mr B at Christmas time
			And maybe Jesus too
			If we were little pigs we'd sing
			And "Piggywiggywiggywiggywiggywiggywiggywiggy
			"O! Piggy wiggy wiggy woo!
			"O! Pig wiggywiggywiggywiggywiggywiggywoo!"
Ebenezer:  [applauds slowly]  Utter crap.
Beadle:  Thank you very much, sir.
Orphan3:  Do we get a Christmas treat now?
Ebenezer:  Yes, indeed you do.
Orphan [1 or 2?]:  What is it?
Ebenezer:  It's a door in the face.  Here you are!  [slams the door]
Baldrick:  [shocked]  Oh, Mr B!  You can't send them out into the world
	   with nothing but a small pudding!
Ebenezer:  Ah, how right you are, Baldrick.  Door.
	[Baldrick opens the door; Beadle and the orphans are in the exact
	 same place they were before, Beadle still holding out the pudding.]
Ebenezer:  [takes the pudding]  Thank you.  [slams the door]
Baldrick:  You know what I'm hoping?
Ebenezer:  What are you hoping, Baldrick?
Baldrick:  I'm hoping that this is all a merry Christmas jape, and, in a
	   moment, you're going to go "Yo ho ho!" and give me a mince pie.
Ebenezer:  [grins]  Close your eyes, Baldrick...
	[Baldrick closes his eyes.]
Ebenezer:  Open your mouth...
	[Baldrick opens his mouth.]
Ebenezer:  Yo ho ho.  [sticks the leafed end of the pudding into Baldrick's
	[Doorbell rings.]
Millicent:  [from outside]  Cooeee!
	[Baldrick opens the door; Millicent cackles as she enters, and is
	 followed by her boyfriend, Ralph -- a paradigmatic twit.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, my dear Millicent come for her dinner.  [looks at Ralph]
	   ...and she seems to have brought the fish course with her.
	[Millicent and Ralph are confused.]
Ebenezer:  Who, my dear, is the huge halibut in the trousers?
Ralph:  I's me!
Millicent:  This is Ralph -- he's my fiance.
Ralph:  We're in love!
	[Ralph laughs; Millicent cackles]
Ebenezer:  Oh, dear...  Ill-conceived love, I should warn you, is like
	   a Christmas cracker: One massively disappointing bang, and the
	   novelty soon wears off.
	[Ralph laughs; Millicent cackles]
Ebenezer:  Shut up.
Millicent:  [shocked]  Oh, Mr Blackadder!  What's happened?  You've changed
	    from the nicest man in England into the...the horridest man in
	    the world!
Baldrick:  I was thinking the same thing myself.
Ebenezer:  [hits Baldrick in the back of the head] ...when spoken to.
	   [to Millicent]  I would explain, my dear, but I fear that you
	   wouldn't understand -- blessed as you are with a head that is
	   emptier than a hermit's address book.
	[Millicent smiles as though that was a compliment.]
Ebenezer:  [to Ralph]  As for you: Are you sure that you can keep my
	   God-daughter in the manner to which she is accustomed?
Ralph:  Oh, yes! Absolutely!  [gives his wallet to Ebenezer]
Ebenezer:  Oh, splendid.  [takes it, looks at all the money inside]
	[Ralph holds his hand out as though expecting Ebenezer to return
	 the wallet.]
Ebenezer:  Congratulations.  Good day.  [shakes Ralph's hand]
	[Ralph and Millicent smile, then slowly start laughing/cackling.]
Ebenezer:  OUT!
	[Ralph and Millicent begin crying, and leave.]
Ebenezer:  [holding the money that was in the wallet]  Baldrick, I want you
	   to take this and go out, and buy a turkey so large you'd think
	   its mother had been rogered by an omnibus.  [gives the money]
	   I'm going to have a party, and no-one's invited but me.
	[Baldrick heads for the door; Ebenezer heads for the back room.
	 When Baldrick opens the door, Mrs Scratchit enters.]
Scratchit:  Cooo!
Ebenezer:  [returning to the counter]  No peace for the wicked...
Scratchit:  Ah, Mr Ebenezer...  I was wondering if you had perhaps a little
	    present for me...? or had found me a little fowl for Tiny Tom's
Ebenezer:  I've ]always[ found you `foul', Mrs Scratchit -- and more than
	   a little.
	[Mrs Scratchit is stunned.]
Ebenezer:  As for Tiny Tom's Christmas: he can stuff it up his enormous
	   muscular backside.
Scratchit:  But he's a cripple!
Ebenezer:  He's ]not[ a cripple, Mrs Scratchit.  Occasionally saying "Phew!
	   My leg hurts!" when he remembers to wouldn't fool ]Baldrick[!
Baldrick:  It did, actually.
Ebenezer:  However, if you want something for lunch, take this.  [he reaches
	   down and lifts up a bucket with some faecal-brown stain running
	   down the side]  It's a pound a lump, and, as luck would have it,
	   there are seventeen lumps left.  [takes his seventeen pounds back
	   from her basket]  Thank you.
Scratchit:  But what about my Tiny Tom?
Ebenezer:  If I was you, I'd scoop him out and use him as a houseboat.
	   Good day.
	[Scratchit cries and leaves]
Baldrick:  [closes the door once more]  Mr B...  Where's the milk of
	   human kindness?
Ebenezer:  It's gone off, Baldrick -- it stinks.
	[Doorbell rings.]
Ebenezer:  Get that; and, whoever it is, slam the door in their faces --
	   or I'll slam your face in the door.  [goes to the back room]
	[Baldrick opens the door and finds Victoria, Albert and the chair-
	 bearer (sans chair again).]
Alfred:  Hello, small dwarf fellow.  Is this the house of the great
	 philanthropist and all-round softy, Ebenezer Blackadder?
Baldrick:  [confused]  What, Mr Blackadder lives here?
Alfred:  Ah, that is good, because we have a wunderbar secret!
Baldrick:  What secret?
Alfred:  Hah! I've I were to tell you that we're going to give him an
	 enormous fortune for being so generous, then it would not longer
	 be a secret--
	 Damn...  I'm so stupid!  Damn...
Baldrick:  What would no longer be a secret?
Victoria:  [leaning forward, half bowing]  We are Queen Victoria.
Baldrick:  What, all three of you?
Victoria:  [charmed]  My dear little hobgoblin...  Here is our Royal
	   Seal.  [holds out the seal; Baldrick takes it and slowly kneels]
	   We have come to present your master with fifty thousand pounds
	   and the title of Baron Blackadder, for being the kindest man in
Baldrick:  Nummy, Your Majesty!
Ebenezer:  [returning from the back room]  Baldrick, what did I tell you
	   I'd do if you didn't slam the door in the faces of these
	   scrounging loafers?
Baldrick:  But... [Ebenezer moves him aside and grabs the door]
	   Mr Blackadder--  [Ebenezer opens the door wide, into Baldrick's
	   face, then slams the door shut]
Ebenezer:  I'm not at home to guests.
	[Ebenezer returns to the back room, where the scene now takes place.
	 He sits in the fireside chair.  Albert, Victoria and the chair-
	 bearer walk in.]
Albert:  I flatter myself; we are rather special guests, sir...
Ebenezer:  Oh, of course!  [stands]  I must apologise!  It's not often that
	   one receives a Christmas visit from two such distinguished guests.
Albert:  Ah, so you recognise us at last.
Ebenezer:  Yes.  [to Victoria]  Unless I'm very much mistaken, you're the
	   winner of the Round Britain Shortest, Fattest, Dumpiest Woman
	   Competition.  And for her to be accompanied by the winner of
	   this year's Stupidest Accent Award is really quite overwhelming.
Victoria:  Sir!  I cannot be--
Ebenezer:  Cork it, Fatso!  Don't you realise that this is the Victorian
	   Age, where -- apart from Queen Piglet Features herself [Albert
	   covers Victoria's ears] -- women and children are to be seen and
	   not heard?
Albert:  "Queen Piglet Features"?!
Ebenezer:  Yes -- `Empress Oink', as lads call her.  The only person in the
	   Kingdom who looks dafter than her is that stupid Frankfurter of
	   a husband [Albert covers his own ears].  `The Pig & The Prig'
	   we call them.  [approaches them, forcing them back into the
	   front room]  How they ever managed to produce their one hundred
	   and twelve children is quite beyond me.  The bedchambers of
	   Buckingham Palace must be copiously supplied with blindfolds.
Victoria:  Sir!  We have never been so insulted in our entire lives!
	   [all three of them are now outside the shoppe]
Ebenezer:  [leans out doorway]  Well, all I can say is: you've been damned
	   lucky.  [goes inside and slams the door]
	[Later, in the back room, Ebenezer is feasting.  Baldrick is
	 pouring a drink.]
Ebenezer:  Ah, Baldrick, this is excellent, excellent -- all the riff-raff
	   and the spongers dealt with, and gargantuan quantities of tuck
	   to be gobbled.  [slices off a piece of turkey]  Here; have
	   a wishbone.  [gives wishbone to Baldrick]
	[Baldrick breaks the wishbone.]
Ebenezer:  What do you wish?
Baldrick:  I wish there was some meat on this.
Ebenezer:  Those last two were particularly satisfying -- it felt just
	   like having a go at the real Queen and Prince Albert.
Baldrick:  It ]was[ the real Queen and Prince Albert.
Ebenezer:  Don't be ludicrous, Baldrick -- what would the Queen be doing
Baldrick:  Well, she'd come to visit you to reward you for being the nicest
	   man in England, by giving you fifty thousand pounds and the title
	   of Baron Blackadder.
Ebenezer:  Baldrick, it couldn't have been the Queen; because, when she
	   visits people, she leaves them her Royal Seal.
Baldrick:  What, like this one?  [takes seal out of a pocket]
Ebenezer:  Yes, just like tha--  [he stares at it in disbelief]
	[end theme; credits]
	Blackadders				Ooh ooh ooh ooh!
	ROWAN ATKINSON				Woo ooh ooh ooh!
						Ooh ooh ooh ooh!
	Baldricks				Woo!
						[repeat twice]
	Queens Elizabeth I / Asphyxia XIX
	MIRANDA RICHARDSON			Blackadder! Blackadder!
						Di dum di dum di da!
	Lords Melchett / Frondo			Blackadder! Blackadder!
	STEPHEN FRY				Ti rum ti tum ti ta!
	Princes Regent / Pigmot			Blackadder! Blackadder!
	HUGH LAURIE				Ti rum ti tum ti ta!
	Spirit of Christmas
	Queen Victoria
	Prince Albert
	Nursie / Bernard
	Mrs Scratchit
	Lord Nelson
	Enormous Orphans
	Music by Howard Goodall; Sung by Sally-Anne Marsh, Costandia Costi,
					 Natalie Cramer, Lydia Cumber
	Graphic Designer	Properties Buyer
	Tom Brooks		John Watts
	Technical Co-ordinator	Camera Supervisors
	Mike Chislett		Chris Glass, Roger Goss
	Visual Effects Designer
	Steve Lucas
	Vision Mixer
	Angela Beveridge
	Videotape Editor
	Chris Wadsworth
	Lighting Director	Sound Supervisors
	Henry Barber		Alan Machin, Peter Barville
	Costume Designer	Make-Up Designer
	Richard Croft		Vicky Pocock
	Production Assistant	Production Secretary
	Jayne Spooner		Hilary Charles
	Production Manager	Assistant Floor Manager
	Sarah Gowers		Lindsay Trenholme
	Antony Thorpe
	Richard Boden
	John Lloyd
	[the following appears (in hand print) over the final screen]
	 Merry	      Kweznuz
	A  ^  Messy [Kwelfnuve]  [crossed out]
	[No credits are given for Boy and Granny.  Judging by the voice and
	 that he was in a Blackadder III episode, I'd say the Boy was played
	 by Dominic Martelli.  Granny was played by Barbara Miller; although
	 her one line was said with a silly voice, her mouth was visible
	 and recognisable.]

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