Promises Followup

Clinton's First 100 Days of Lies and Deceptions.

(WSJ - Wall Street Journal; PD -Cleveland Plain Dealer; NYT - New 
York Times)

4/9/93 - "Clinton fails to fight for tougher sanctions against Libya, 
which still won't hand over suspects in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 
103.  Despite a campaign letter to victims' families promising 
firmer action....the U.S. goes along with a renewal of existing 
sanctions".  WSJ

1/27/93 - "Clinton has at least six millionaires the Cabinet he 
promised would be as diverse as the nation.  "When you have that 
many millionaires in a Cabinet, it's hardly a reflection of the 
American public," says Ellen Miller of the Center for Responsive 
Politics......"It isn't wrong, but what is interesting is the hypocrisy of 
all this", says Lynn Martin, Bush's Labor Secretary. - USA Today

4/9/93 - "Indeed, for all the administration's emphasis on 
"diversity" in its appointments, white males dominate Mr. Clinton's 
core group of advisors and policy experts, just as they have the 
inner circles of every president from George Washington onward."
WSJ  [This is in spite of Clinton's promise on May 11, 1992: "I will 
give you an administration that looks like America."

Remember Clinton's campaign promises to cut taxes on the middle 
class and create more jobs?  

4/12/93 - "President Clinton's economic plan would create 8% fewer 
jobs next year than if there were no plan, economists said....The 
plan's proposed higher taxes would slow the economy"  USA Today
[let's not forget that Clinton's military cuts include the loss of 
millions of jobs]

3/28/93 - "During last year's presidential campaign, Gore was 
highly critical of the soon-to-open Waste Technologies Industries 
plant......Gore got plenty of coverage as he hammered away at WTI. 
Ohio voters cheered Gore on the stump as he pledged to investigate 
the plant.....But Gore has grown strangely quiet about WTI these days. 
 The Clinton Administration announced a few days ago that it would 
not oppose the owner's plan to burn toxic wastes there....It has been 
noted that one of the original, prime investors in the WTI plant was 
Jackson T. Stephens, chairman of Stevens Inc. of Little Rock, Ark.
Stephens - who has sold his interest in WTI in 1990 - has been a big 
Clinton campaign contributor for years.  According to the 
Philadelphia Inquirer, the Stephens businesses are often represented 
by the Rose law firm, where Hillary Clinton has been a partner." PD

1/15/93 - "First word of Clinton's decision to abandon - at least for 
now - his campaign vow to scrap the restrictive policy on Haitian 
refugees came in a morning broadcast to the Haitian people."  -PD

4/8/93 - "After promising during his campaign to buy more park and 
recreation lands, President Clinton is proposing funding 
substantially below what George Bush spent for that purpose, an 
administration official confirmed yesterday."  PD

1/7/93  - "President-elect Bill Clinton appeared today to back off 
his campaign pledges to cut the Federal budget deficit in half in four 
years."  NYT

1/13/93 - From "Campaign promises fall" - "Now it seems the best 
way to track Clinton is by the campaign promises that each day are 
added to the endangered list........In the past week Clinton...has 
signaled second thoughts about vows to cut middle-class taxes 
[which we now know was a lie], halve the federal deficit in four 
years and have an economic program ready to go on Jan. 20. [so that 
makes three lies]......Asked for an example of a campaign promise 
that Clinton definitely will fulfill, Stephanopoulos responded: "He 
promised he would have a Cabinet that looked like America and he 
did [wrong Stephie - "When you have that many millionaires in a 
Cabinet, it's hardly a reflection of the American public," says Ellen 
Miller of the Center for Responsive Politics]....And for all the 
quibbling over what Clinton needs to do in his first 100 days, he 
made only one firm promise for that period: To present a health-care 
plan [so even "firm promises" are lies]." - USA Today

Remember Bill's promise? - "I will not raise taxes on the middle 
class to pay for my programs."  Well, I don't have the clippings 
outlining his plans to raise taxes on our utility bills and on social 
security recipients, but that's his plan.  In fact, there is more:

2/26/93 - "Clinton considers raising 'sin taxes'"  PD

4/15/93 - "New taxes on goods is weighed to pay for health care" 
NYT.  In fact, this article shows that not only is Governor Bill a liar, 
but it shows that he is consistent in lying as President Bill:

"President Clinton first broached the idea of a values-added tax, 
which is imposed on goods and services at each stage of production 
but ultimately paid for by the consumer, in February, then backed 
away, calling it a 'radical change' that could only be looked at in the 
years ahead." 

Now with all this in mind, consider what Clinton said about Bush on 
Oct. 29, 1992 - "The very idea that the word "trust" could ever come 
out of Bush's mouth....the way he has trampled the truth, is a 

Sorry Bill, but if you think we couldn't "trust" Bush, how much more 
shall we not trust a pathological liar like you?  

[Yes, I know, the first 100 days are not up yet, so the list
might even get longer.  Feel free to copy and repost, especially
if there is more that you can add!]
                Everything that is incomprehensible does not
                cease to exist.  [Pascal]

Spell Checked and reformatted by Nathan Mates (

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