Shit Lists

Shit Lists

  COMPARATIVE RELIGION (As seen on a door at U.C. Davis)
Agnosticism	How can we know if shit happens?
	What is this shit?
 	You can't prove any of this shit..
	It looks and smells like shit, but I haven't tasted it, so I'm not 	  sure whether its shit or not.
Amish	Shit is good for the soil.
	This modern shit is worthless.
Anglicanism:	It's true, shit does happen -- but only to Lutherans.
Atheism	Sheeit.
	I don't believe this shit.
	It looks and smells like shit, so I'm damned if I'm going to 	taste it.
	Shit doesn't happen. Shit is dead.
	No shit!
Avoidanceism	With all this happening, I think I'll go shit.
Bahaism	Why do you keep shitting on us?
Baptism	We'll wash the shit right off you.
	You are shitting all wrong, and you'll be punished for it.
Buddhism	If shit happens it is not really shit
	If shit happens, it isn't really happening TO anyone.
	Shit will happen again to you next time.
Bushism	Wouldn't be prudent to shit at this juncture.
	This looks like foreign shit. Let Baker handle it.
Calvinism	Shit happens because you didn't work hard enough.
Cannibalism	Don't eat the shit
Capitalism	Sell that shit.
Charismatic Catholicism:	Shit is happening because you deserve it, but we love you 	anyway.
Catholicism	Shit happens because you are BAD.
	If shit happens, you deserve it
Christian Science:	When shit happens, don't call a doctor--pray.
	Shit doesn't happen and I am not up to my eyeballs in it.
	Our shit will take care of itself.
	Shit it in your mind.
	Science Shit is in your mind.
Clintonism	I tried this shit before and I didn't like it so....
Communism	All this is bull shit!! Shit happens to all of us.
Confucianism	Confucius say, ``Shit Happens''
	Confucious says, "If shit has to happen, let it happen 	PROPERLY."
Darwinism:	Survival of the shittiest.
Denialism	What shit?
Dianetics	"Why does shit happen?" (p. 157)
Energizer Bunny:	Shit happens and keeps going and going and going and...
Environmentalism	Shit is biodegradable.
Episcopalianism:	If shit happens, hold a procession.
Est	You're responsible for all the shit that happens.
	I am at cause that shit will not happen.
Evangelical	Send us all your shit.
Existentialism	What is shit anyway?
Fatalism	Oh shit, it's going to happen!
Fetishism	I love when shit happens.
Freudianism	Shit is a phallic symbol.
Fundamentalism	Shit happens, but don't publish it.
	There's no shit in the Bible.
Greek Orthodox	Shit happens, usually in three's.
Hare Krishna 	Shit Happens, Rama Rama (Ding Ding).
	Please this flower and buy our shit.
	She-it happens, She-it happens, happens, happens, she-it, 	she-it...  (Repeat until you become one with she-it)
Hedonism	There's nothing quite like a good shit.
Hinduism	I`ve seen this Shit before.
	This shit is not a religion, it is the way of life.
	This shit happening IS you.
Islam	If shit happens, take a hostage.
	If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
	We don't take any shit.
Jehovah's Witnesses	Knock Knock, ``Shit Happens.''
	Here, we insist you take our shit.
	Shit happens door to door.
	No shit happens until Armaggedon.
	There is only a limited amount of good shit.
JimJonesism	This Kool-Aid tastes like shi...
Judaism	Why does this shit always happen to us?
	Why does shit always happen just before closing the deal?
Reform Judaism:	Got any laxatives?
Lutheranism	Shit happens, but as long as you're sorry, it's OK.
Masochism	Do shit to me!
Moonies	Only happy shit really happens.
Mormon	This shit is going to happen again.
	Our shit is better than your shit.
	Shit happens again & again & again ...
	If shit happens, shun it.
	Crap happens (you can't say shit in Utah)
Mysticism	This is really weird shit.
Nation of Islam	Don't take no shit.
New Age	Were all part of the same shit.
	For $300, we can help you get in touch with  your inner shit.
	That's not shit, it's feldspar.
	A firm shit does not happen to me.
	This isn't shit if I really believe it's chocolate.
	I create my own shit.
	If shit happens, honor it and share it.
Nihilism	Shit doesn't mean anything. Let's blow this shit up!
Nixonism	This kind of shit never happened. If it
	happened I don't know anything about it.
Orthodox	St. Sergius found his faith in deep shit.
Paganism	Shit happens for a variety of reasons.
Perotism	I'm sorry if I dropped you guys in this piece of shit.
Protestantism	Let the shit happen to someone else.
	Shit won't happen if I work harder.
	If shit happens, praise the lord for it!
Rajhneesh	Give us your shit and put on this orange shit.
Rastafarianism	Let's smoke this shit.
	Hey, this is good shit, mon.
Rationalism	I shit, therefore I am.
Reaganism	I can't remember whether this shit happened or not.
Religion from an Atheist's point of view:
	I haven't smelt, seen, touched, or tasted it. But it's shit.

Repressionism	I'll hold this shit in forever.
Rosicrucianism	What is this AMORC shit?
Sadism	I will shit on you!
Satanism	We hope bad shit happens to all of you.
	We will make your shit happen.
Scientology	All this happens to be shit.
	If you leave us, bad shit will happen to you.
Secular Humanism:	Shit evolves.
Seventh Day Adventist	No shit on Saturdays.
Shamanism	Whoaa...Holy Shit!
Shintoism	You inherit the shit of your ancestors.
Sikhism	Leave our shit alone
Southern BaptistShit will happen.  Praise the lord.
Stoicism	This shit is good for me.
Sureshism	You are all pieces of shit.
Taoism	Shit happens.
	If you can shit, it isn't shit.
	Shit happens, so flow with it.
Televangelism:	Your tax-deductible donation could make this shit stop 	  happening.
Twelve Step	Shit happens one day at a time.
Unitarianism	What is this Shit?
	It's not the shit that matters. It's the process.
	We affirm the right for shit to happen.
	Go ahead, shit anywhere you want.
Vegetarianism	If it happens to shit, don't eat it.
Voodooism	This shit's gonna get you
	Shit doesn't just happen -- somebody dumped it on you.
	Let's stick some pins in this shit!
Wicca	The Goddess makes shit happen.
	If shit happened once, it will happen twice more.
Witchcraft	Mix this shit together and it will happen
Zen	What is the sound of shit happening?
Zoroastrianism	Shit happens half the time.

                                 SHIT HAPPENS

                            in other various ways	

Yuppie Shit	It's my shit!  All mine!  Isn't it beautiful?
An Employer	Shit happens, and rolls down hill.
An Employee	I've done my shit, so can I take the day off?
	This shit's not part of my contract.
Environmentalism	Shit is biodegradable.
Heisenbergism	Shit happened, we just don't know where.
Quantum Shittydynamics	Shit happens only in well-defined quantities.
Einsteinism	Shit is Relative.
Reaction to Seeing your Mother-in-law:
	Relatives are Shit.
Washington	I cannot tell a lie--shit happened.
Lincoln	Four score and seven shits ago...
Nixon	Shit didn't happen, and if it did I din't know anything about it.
Reagan	Well, I do believe that shit happened. I was just taking a nap.
Quayle	Whye doe peopl treate mee lik shite?
Clinton	I didn't inhale this shit.
	I tried this shit before and I didn't like it so....
Bush	Read my lips: no more shit!
	Wouldn't be prudent to shit at this juncture.
	This looks like foreign shit. Let Baker handle it.
Perot	I'm sorry if I dropped you guys in this piece of shit.
McCarthyism	Are you now, or have you ever been, shit?
Martin Luther King	Black shit and white shit CAN coexist...
Julius Caesar	I came, I saw, I shitted. (Veni, Vidi, Shitty)
John Paul Jones	I have not yet begun to shit.
James Tiberius Kirk:
	 ... to boldly shit where no one has shit before!
Computer Science	There's a bug somewhere in this shitttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Macintosh	(Enough said)
UNIX/C:	A core dump... Shit!
IBM/DOS	It's shit, but at least it's compatible.
Communism	It's everybody's shit.
Marxism	The rich shit exploits the poor shit, but deep down all shit  is 	   alike.
	Dictatorship of the shit.
Capitalism	Shit happens, and it'll cost you!
 	If you're gonna sell that shit, at least make a profit.
Cannibalism	Don't eat the shit.
Vegetarianism	If it happens to shit, don't eat it.
Hedonism	There's nothing quite like a good shit.
Stoicism	This shit is good for me.
Existentialism	Shit doesn't happen; shit is.
	Shit happening is absurd.
Realism	I think I need to take a shit.
Denialism	What shit?
Purism	If shit has to happen, let ONLY shit happen.
Procrastinationism	I'll take care of this shit ... tomorrow.
Avoidanceism	With all this happening, I think I'll go shit.
Repressionism	I'll hold this shit in forever.
Fatalism	Oh shit, it's going to happen!
Surrealism	Fish!
Moilanenism	Smells like shit of finnish fish.
Nihilism	Let's blow this shit up!
Fetishism	I love when shit happens.
Masochism	Do shit to me!
Sadism	I will shit on you!
Freudianism	Shit is a phallic symbol.



according to the Philospohers

Thales	Earth, Air, Fire, and Shit
Epicurus	If shit happens, enjoy it.
Socrate	What is shit?  Why is shit?
Aristotle	The essence of shittyness...
Descartes	I think, so why am I in this shit?
	I shit, therefore I am.
Leibniz (as interpreted by Voltaire):
	The best of all possible shit in this world made for shit.

Thoreau	I wanted to live deliberately ... to suck all the shit out of life.
Sartre	Shit is meaningless!
	What is shit, anyway?



in various professions
Mathematician	Shit happening is just a special case...
Statistician	There is an 83.7% chance that shit will happen. Maybe.
Physicist	To within experimental error, this is shit.
Engineer	I hope this shit holds together.
Chemist	I hope this shit doesn't blow up.
	Gee, what'll happen if I mix this and ... SHIT!!!!
Biologist	Is this shit alive?
Economist	I hope no one figures out that I don't really understand this 	   shit.
Beurocrat	I'm sorry, but we can't do this shit until you fill out form XJ-	314159 to make an appointment with our Assistant Sub-	Deputy Manager to obtain form ZN-271828...
CEO	(1980's) I've got all the shit I want.
	(1990's) Oooh, SHIT!
Lawyer	For a sufficient fee, I can get you out of ANY shit.
Doctor	Take two shits and call me in the morning.
	Yes, it's definitely a case of shit. $99.95, please...
	Shit, where's this organ supposed to go?
Psychologist	Shit is in your mind.
	Everything that happens is shit; some of it is just repressing its 	   subconscious shittiness.
Programmer	It's shit, but at least it compiles.
Social Scientist	Let's pretend that shit doesn't happen...
Politician	It's shit, but it'll get me elected.
	If you elect me, there will never again be shit.
	Shit is bad for the economy.
Waitress	You want fries with that shit?
Musician	This shit is out of tune.
Dean	Let's see how much shit the faculty'll take.
Accountant	Why doesn't this shit add up?
Linguist	What I'm doing is a bunch of feces tauri.
	(For non-Latin-speakers: feces tauri=the excrement of a bull)
Quality Control Inspector 	This shit ain't good enough.
IRS Auditor	I'll make 'em squirm for putting this shit on their tax forms.
Farmer	I get subsidies for my shit.
Union leader	Give us more shit or we'll strike.
Mafia boss	Rub the shit out.
NYC Cab Driver	Damn, looks like I hit that shit...



for Sanitation Engineers

0th:	There is shit.
1st:	You can't get rid of it.
2nd:	It gets deeper.
3rd:	A nice, empty trashcan is wishful thinking.

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