Being Annoying

Being Annoying

                             WAYS TO BE ANNOYING
     * Take the hotel towel
     * Pay tolls with $100 bills
     * Practice the art of limp handshakes
     * Tell the ending of movies
     * Give little kids clothes for their birthdays
     * Leave the toilet seat up
     * Take more than
     * items to the express checkout lane
     * Turn on your bright for oncoming traffic
     * Finish other people's crossword puzzles
     * Use the last square of toilet paper
     * Tailgate the elderly
     * Drum your fingers during other people's presentations
     * Blow out other people's birthday candles
     * Don't leave a message at the beep
     * Leave your supermarket cart on the street or in the parking lot
     * Block the entrances of elevators, buses, and subways
     * Eat produce at the market; don't buy it
     * When giving directions, leave out a turn or two
     * Toss things out the window: tissues, cigarettes, cellophane food
       wrappings and those sorts of things
     * Leave the outdoor Christmas decorations up until March or April
     * Serve corn on the cob to people with dentures
     * See if you can be the first one off the plane, even if you are
       sitting by the window
     * Put a title like Senator or Doctor before your name when making
       dinner and hotel reservations
     * Before exiting the elevator, push all the buttons
     * Go up the down escalator (B.P., this means you)
     * Develop at least three strategies for cutting into the front of
     * Snap your gum
     * Squeeze the toothpaste from the top, and while you're at it, leave
       the cap off
     * Open umbrellas in crowded hallways
     * Announce when you're going to the bathroom
     * Read over other people's shoulders on the bus
     * When it says, "Reserved Parking", this means you
     * Pinch all the chocolate candies until you find the one you want
     * Leave your pantyhose hanging in the shower
     * Chew other people's pencils
     * Lie to your therapist and sit in her chair
     * Let doors slam behind you -- in other people's faces
     * Tell teenagers how things were in your day
     * Hold the elevator until you have finished your conversation
     * Pee in the swimming pool
     * Ride on the shoulder until you pass all the jammed traffic; then
       cut in
     * Wear large hats during the movies
     * Forget the pooper scooper
     * Race the old woman for the last bus seat
     * Cause gridlock
     * Bring 15 things into the dressing room
     * Draw mustaches on posters
     * Don't rewind videocassettes before bringing them back
     * Serve TV dinners, wine coolers, and cherry Twinkies on
     * Walk very slowly, and make sure nobody can get past you
     * Touch strangers
     * Tell little children the truth about Santa Claus
     * Bite your dentist's finger
     * Fart in cramped places
     * Leave lipstick prints on people's cheeks and foreheads
     * Don't stand during hymns and anthems
     * Dance fast to slow music and vice-versa
     * Rubberneck
     * Leave pages in the copier
     * Be "in conference" all the time
     * Don't clean the dryer lint screen
     * Buy it, wear it, return it
     * Tell people they have bad breath
     * Smell smoke often and announce it
     * Eat out with friends and "forget" your wallet
     * Put everyone on speakerphone
     * Step on the back of the shoe of the person in front of you
     * Rain on someone's parade
     * Make scary faces at babies
     * Flirt with a friend's spouse
     * Sit in the home bleachers and cheer for the other team
     * Pretend you're listening
     * Shake with your left hand

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