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From: (Henry Cate)
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Subject: Life  C.3
Status: R

Date: 27 Jan 94 11:45:19 PST (Thursday)
Subject: Life  C.3

The following are selections from

To find out all about the Usenet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to with the word "help" in the subject line.


Selected-By: David Sewell []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Oh Oracle, whose ideas bounce around the universe like some wonderful
] vulcanized ball of knowledge,  please tell me:
] These new celluar phones - are they alive?  The name sounds like those
] single-celled amoebas and protazoas and planetariums that they made us
] learn about in Biology.
] If they are alive, what do they eat? Also, when I get mine, what are
] the most popluar names?
] Love, Gloria

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ah, Gloria, in English class they should have taught you about
} names like protozoa and planaria. Anyway, my love, I am disappointed
} that you are getting a cellular phone. You see, "cellular" refers
} not to single-celled animals, but rather to animals with a single
} brain cell, like lawyers and stock brokers.
} P.S. We have to stop meeting like this - Lisa is getting suspicious.


Selected-By: (Harold the Foot)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Can you explain the mysterious popularity of Billy Joel?? Could he be
] the Anti-Christ??

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} No, because there's only one Antichrist, and Bill Gates has applied for
} the post.  It's really obvious.  Whenever you install a M$ product on a
} computer, all the speed goes straight to hell.
} You owe the Oracle a harder question.


Selected-By: (Otis Viles)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Super, scrumptious, sublimely, sedacious Oracle of the widespread
] Usenet, please narrate unto me the amount of Oracles it takes to
] change a lightbulb?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} As all omnipotent beings, the Oracle is one and only one being (but
} what a being!). However, the Oracle of course has multitasking
} abilities, and can therefore create an unlimited number of virtual
} Oracles that can do the same things that it does (albeit a bit slower).
} So, the amounts of Oracles needed to change a lightbulb is therefore
} dependant of the time that is allotted to the task. A typical virtual
} Oracle can perform at about 12.2 Mbulbs/sec, so if you want to change a
} lightbulb on, say 6 usecs, it would require 2 virtual Oracles. This
} time/performance relationship is valid up until 26 virtual Oracles,
} when the overhead gets to big, everbody coredumps and WWIII breaks out
} (that usually happens when omnipotent beings coredump). So don't try to
} push that lightbulb change!
} You owe the Oracle a stopwatch and 8 Gb of swapspace


Selected-By: Steve Kinzler []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] O Orakel, please tell me:
] Why is it that on our megaexpensive VAX/PC/Mac network, it is
] impossible to print a simple ascii file?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The answer to your question, my child, is really quite simple.
} The different computers simply don't like each other.
} Consider how they must feel about it:
} Vax: Thinks the world runs on DecNet. Primary users are college
} hackers and computer geeks. Motto: Give us LAT protocol, or
} give us death!, which explains why Dec's profit margins are falling
} like a rock
} PC: MS-DOS was really part of Dante's seventh ring of Hell, we
} just forgot to tell you about it.
} MAC: Let's play a game of "Hide the operating system from the user"!
} The infamous "Apple Bomb" icon really represents what they should
} do to the designers of this soon-to-become-a-boat-anchor.
} So, is it really any wonder why things don't print? The Vax gets the
} data and says "Not a Vax, it simply doesn't count!" and discards it.
} The PC gets the data, and says "I simply cannot understand the
} complexity of this issue, since I'm a single-task processor", and
} dumps the data. The Mac says "Ding!", shows you a bomb icon, and
} sends it down the Appletalk pipeline, where it vanishes into a black
} hole.
} You owe the Oracle a Coleco Adam "Home Computer", and a line printer.


Selected-By: Carole Susan Fungaroli []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] O' Wise and Cool Oracle, Please Answer this simple question for me:
] How can I overcome my writers' block?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Consider.  Writer's block is the psycholinguistic analogue of
} constipation.  To treat constipation, what do you do?  Consume a
} diet high in fiber: crude, indigestible material which in itself
} provides nothing of nutritional value but which facilitates peristaltic
} action.  Now, what would be the linguistic equivalent of non-nutritive
} fiber?
} Legal documents, of course.
} So the cure is for you to enroll in law school.  In short time your
} writer's block will be cured, and you will be producing voluminous
} quantities of prose on a regular basis.  Analogous in shape, texture,
} odor, and social utility to the product of peristaltic action--but then
} you DID want to be unblocked.
} You owe the Oracle your first-born child.


Selected-By: RICH MCGEE []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Dear Oracle, master of all knowledge, what does UNIX stand for?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ken Thompson claims that UNIX is "a weak pun on Multics," but this is
} a lie.  UNIX is a weak pun on eunuch.  Look around you.  Are any of
} your male peers ever going to reproduce?  And if their significant
} others DO become pregnant-- will you not doubt the identity of the
} father?
} UNIX is not all that impressive an operating system.  Why, then, is it
} so popular?  *UNIX is addictive!*  And, just like heroin, the UNIX
} drive quickly displaces the sex drive.  (Oh, sure, computer geeks talk
} a lot about wanting to get laid... but do they ever *do* anything
} about it?)
} Yet terrible as UNIX addiction is, there are worse fates.  If UNIX is
} the heroin of operating systems, then VMS is barbiturate addiction,
} the Mac is MDMA, and MS-DOS is sniffing glue.  (Windows is filling
} your sinuses with lucite and letting it set.)
} You owe the Oracle a twelve step program.


Selected-By: David Sewell []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Tell me the answer to this question oh great oracle,
] for I must be enlightened.
] If I can't do, I can teach
] If I can't teach, I can teach gym
] If I can't teach gym, what can I do?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Answer oracularities.


Selected-By: RICH MCGEE []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

]    Dear Mighty Oracle, who doesn't need to be Faster Than a Speeding
] Bullet because he's smart enough to be on the other side of the gun --
]    Please explain this slang to me: people waffle on issues, get
] toasted by the boss, earn bread, and bring home the dough.  Isn't this
] backwards?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} What, you think they should take the dough to work, pay out all their
} bread, butter up the boss, and cook the books on the issues?  Be
} serious!


Selected-By: Carole Susan Fungaroli []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Dear Oracle who cares when no one else does:
] Why do birds sing?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Singing in birds, long thought to be a voluntary action is now known to
} be a vital survival mechanism. Birds need to sing or else they will
} float off into space. It's like this.
} In order to make a bird's body lighter than air and , therefore able to
} fly. The bird's body consitently produces hydrogen gas from the seeds
} and berries it has digested. This is a constant process that produces
} large amounts of gas, if the bird were to keep this gas inside, it
} would surely float away in a matter of minutes, so birds evolved
} singing as a way of releasing the gas and warning other creatures not
} to use open flames or cigarettes nearby in case of igniting the gas.
} Many cases of so-called spontaneous combustion reported by such media
} heavyweights as the National Enquirer, are actually ignitions of bird
} gas. You'll also notice that you never see a bird sing while flying,
} this is because they need to conserve their gas while flying or they
} will begin to plummet which is far less graceful and bird-like.


Selected-By: David Sewell []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] tell me:
]               Why is it that in this country the criminals are treated
]       better than college students?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Think of it this way: Suppose you were in a room with two people, one
} of whom was a psychotic axe murderer overflowing with hatred for
} society and well versed in brutal methods of inflicting pain, and the
} other of whom was a misty-minded English major overflowing with
} hormones and highly trained in literary deconstructionism; which one
} would YOU want to placate?
} You owe the Oracle a better alternative appropriate to a civilized
} nation.


Selected-By: (Harold the Foot)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Oracle, who causes the wind to blow and the rivers to flow, please tell
] me:
] Just because I think everyone is secretly plotting against me, that
] doesn't mean I'm paranoid right?
] Love, Gloria

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Completely correct, Gloria.  On the other hand, if you *knew* rather
} just *thought* everyone was out to get you, *then* you'd be paranoid.
} (wispering voices ... "now tell her that it's okay to go home, she has
}   nothing to fear")
} It's okay for you to go home now, Gloria, you have nothing to fear.


Selected-By: (Otis Viles)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Tell me, Oracle old chappie,
] When one goes flying one is always a little concerned that the old
] aeroplane might just choose to drop out of the sky.
] So, is there any way one can get a ticket for the black box flight
] recorder as they always seem to survive?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Of course, my insolent young chippie off the old blockie...
} There is almost always availability in the black box section of the
} airplane. However, few moral humans have ever found a way to use their
} tickets.  The All-knowing, All-seeing, All-alling Oracle has no
} difficulty getting into the 1/4" x 1/4" inch seat.  Then again, I'm
} never particularly worried about crashing.  I'm just there to [ZOT] any
} foolish and insolent inquisitors. Flying is in fact safer than driving,
} statistically, but if you want to know you can get tickets in the glove
} compartment of a car, too.  Same seating restrictions apply.  Tough.
} You owe me five good reasons not to [ZOT] you.  47-53 words each. By
} Wednesday.  Typed.


Selected-By: RICH MCGEE []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I'll answer if you feed me.


Selected-By: (Harold the Foot)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

]                |     |
]                |     |
]          ______|_____|______
]                |     |
]                |  X  |
]          ______|_____|______
]                |     |
]                |     |

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}                 |     |
}              0  |  0  |  0
}           ______|_____|______
}                 |     |
}              0  |  X  |  0
}           ______|_____|______
}                 |     |
}              0  |  0  |  0
}                 |     |
} I am the Oracle after all.


Selected-By: Dr. Noe []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] What day will the 19th of May fall on in the year 3056?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} It has not yet been decided whether the year 3056 will take place.
} There is some pressure to abandon this experiment, which has turned
} into a bit of a mess, and start again.
} It looks as if 3056 will actually be 1062 of the new era. There will be
} some place a bit like Earth, but the bipeds there will not have
} appendices, the fifth month will have 47 days, and be called
} Wooooooooo.
} I might have given a bit too much away here.



The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Aha!  I finally have proof that you're a man, not a woman, no matter
] which incarnation you are.  You see, every time I think about sending
] you a letter, I type "mail oracle," certainly not, "femail oracle."
] How can you get out of this one, O Wise Mail One?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I am neither male nor female, but email.


Selected-By: David Sewell []

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] Dear Oracle, whose wisdom exceeds that of the wisest of the Ancients,
] please tell me, is it better to incorporate a small business, or to
] run it as a sole proprietorship?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}       Well, both God and the Devil seem to prefer running as a soul
} proprietorship. Make of that what you will.
}       You owe the Usenet Oracle a mediator.


]From: Usenet Oracle []
Subject: Usenet Oracularity #622-06

Selected-By: (Michael A. Atkinson)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

] O is for Oracle, you big brain with hips.
] R is for Random Access Memory Chips.
] A is for All of the Questions you answer.
] C is for Comet, Cupid, Dasher and Prancer.
] L is for Long-Range ESP Clarivoyance.
] E is Eternal, which describes your annoyance.
] Put 'em all together and whattaya got?
] Oracle! Oracle! Oracle.... (you know what).
] Anyways, my question is this:
] OK, I'm using an Xterminal on a DECstation 5000/25, and my darn window
] keeps blinking out!  It'll just dissapear on me in the middle of a
] letter or something.  It's really getting annoying.  Do you know how to
] fix it, or how to reach a DEC technical assistant who charge me $200 an
] hour?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} DECstations are best repaired by means of a small animal sacrifice,
} coupled with the burning of the incense of your choice (just make
} certain it's expensive) and prayer to the Great God Zarquon. Actually,
} the Great God Zarquon isn't specifically a retainer of DECSystems, but
} he is a great pal of the Oracle's and doesn't have much to do these
} days, and will probably be glad at least to entertain your request for
} his intercession. Hiring a DEC technical assistant wouldn't do you much
} good, I'm afraid; he would only do all the things I have described
} above, and charge you the $200 anyway. The key seems to be in the
} combination of the choice of incense and the choice of small animal;
} try sandalwood with a lamb, and if your DEC remains recalcitrant,
} progress to jasmine with a calf or colt.
} You owe the Oracle a Grateful Dead CD.


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