Life6 D

Date: 30 May 90 14:23:34 PDT (Wednesday)
Subject: Life  6.D


Six men are sitting in a bar:
	The first man says to the second, "You know, I have a 150 I.Q."
to which the second man says' "Oh really so do I.  What do you do?"
"I'm a Knobell prize winning Physicist," said the first man.
"So am I..."said the second, and they went on with their conversation.

Hearing this the thrird man turned to the fourth and said, "Youknow, I have
a 100 IQ"  To which the fourth man replied "So do I, what do you do?"
"I am a college Professor"
"So am I..." and they went on with there conversation.

Finally, the fifth guy at the bar turns to the last guy, wipes the foam off
his face he just burped up, and says, "You know, I have a 30 IQ"
To which the last man replied "So do I, what band do you play with?"


In this morning's (Wed 9-May-1990) Salt Lake Tribune, there appears a
cartoon showing a guy with a magnifying glass examining the lips of a huge
George Bush face, and the dialog bubble reads:

	I'll be darned...  You're Right!

	All along he has been saying "No GNU Taxes"...

(And it includes a picture of a gnu, the African antelope (Connochaetes gnou)

The author is "Bagley".


]From Joyce Lain Kennedy's employment column in the Dallas Morning News,
an "ad which reportedly appeared in a paper in Fairbanks, Alaska:"

   Part-time engineering or business student to follow illiterate steel
   superintendent and do his paperwork.  This man is too valuable to
   fire and too old to teach.  Extremely patient person required.
   Should be over 19 years old as duties may require going into local
   bars.  Applicants should be ugly and mean.


On a bracket around the license plate of a chevy...

  "Friends don't let friends drive Fords."


	True story (from an interview televised on CNN)
the chairman of British Petroleum was asked how BP managed to avoid all
the adverse publicity that could have resulted from the oil spill off
Huntington Beach.  Implication was, how come you guys didnt make asses
of yourselves the way Exxon did.  Answer:  Its very simple.  You know
what has to be done and you just go ahead and do it BEFORE the lawyers
have a chance to get involved !!!!!


There are three ways to get to the top of a tree:

1) Climb it

2) Sit on an acorn

3) Make friends with a big bird


So this computer scientist is like a real uptight guy, uncomfortable
in his own skin, has a hard time relating to people, you know the
type, right?  So he's in a bookstore, see's a book called "How to
Hug", so he thinks yes, this could really help him.  So he buys it,
takes it home, starts to read it, and damn it if isn't volume 8 of an


Charles Curran, Hans Kung, and Cardinal Ratzinger all died at the same time
and ended up at the pearly gates together, where they were met by St. Peter.
"You guys are too smart for me," said St. Peter, "You will have personal
interviews with Our Lord Himself.  Each one of you in turn must go into
that cabin to be examined by Jesus."

Charles Curran goes in first.  After a quarter of an hour he comes out,
looking a little shaken.  "What happened?" ask the others.  "He told me I
have to spend a hundred years in Purgatory," answers Curran and away he goes.

Hans Kung goes in next.  After half an hour he comes out, very upset.  "What
happened?"  "He told me I have to spend five hundred years in Purgatory."

Finally Cardinal Ratzinger goes in.  Hours pass, and St Peter is beginning to
get curious.  At last the cabin door opens, and Jesus comes out.  "Lord,
what happened?" asks St Peter.  "He told me I have to spend a thousand years in

All three men are theologians.  Curran came under fire recently for denying
Church teachings while he was a professor at an official faculty of theology.
Kung has advanced some pretty serious semi(?)-heresies.  Ratzinger is the
person in charge of purity of doctrine in the Church, "the watchdog on
orthodoxy" to use newspaper terms, and hence the person who takes errant
theologians to task.


]From: gay@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Lance Gay)
Subject: SCRABBLE: An example of a high-scoring game (SPOILER)

The following example of a SCRABBLE game produced a score of 2448 for one
player and 1175 for the final word.  It is taken from _Beyond Language_ (1967)
by Dmitri Borgman (pp. 217-218).  He credits this solution to Mrs. Josefa H.
Byrne of San Francisco and implies that all words can be found in _Webster's
Second Edition_.  The two large words (multiplied by 27 as they span 3 triple
word scores) are ZOOPSYCHOLOGIST (a psychologist who treats animals rather than
humans) and PREJUDICATENESS (the condition or state of being decided
beforehand).  The asterisks (*) represent the blank tiles. (Please excuse
any typo's).

           Board                        Player1                 Player2

Z O O P S Y C H O L O G I S T    ABILITY             76   ERI, YE     9
O N         H A   U     R O W    MAN, MI             10   EN          2
*         R I B   R O V E   I    FEN, FUN            14   MANIA       7
L           T I K E         G    TABU                12   RIB         6
O             L                  NEXT                11   AM          4
G             I                  AX                   9   END         6
I             T                  IT, TIKE            10   LURE        6
*             Y E                LEND, LOGIC*AL      79   OO*LOGICAL  8
A               R                FUND, JUD           27   ATE, MA     7
L E N D       M I                ROVE                14   LO          2
    E         A             Q    DARE, DE            13   ES, ES, RE  6
W A X     F E N             U    RE, ROW             14   IRE, IS, SO 7
E   T A B U   I             A    DARED, QUAD         22   ON          4
E         N   A M   D A R E D    WAX, WEE            27   WIG         9
P R E J U D I C A T E N E S S    CHIT, HA            14   ON          2
                                   AN, MANIAC,
                                   QUADS, WEEP      911   OOP         8
                                   HABILITY, TWIG,
                                   ZOOLOGICAL      1175
                                 Total:            2438              93

                                 F, N, V, T in
                                 loser's hand:      +10             -10
                                 Final Score:      2448              83


                         P R E F A C E

        A lot of Yankees might have been thinking I lack a  sense
of  humor.  This  is  of course completely wrong. Actually, I was
simply too busy to joke in the past. Now with all my official po-
sitions  resigned,  I  finally got time to work out the following
jokes. I hope all of you could enjoy them like we did here. A few
days  ago,  I  called all the staffs and officials working in the
Great Hall of the People together to listen to these  jokes.  The
hall all roared with laughter like a hell. Jiang Zemin laughed so
hard that he even rolled all over the floor, while  Li  Peng  was
only  able  to  pretend  laughing  in a bitter and unwilling way.
Whatever your reactions would be to these jokes, please  remember
that the famous Deng Xiaoping's law holds everywhere universally,

   (1) If you get the kick, you are promised a candidacy for
       the future position of Jiang Zemin;
   (2) If you don't, you are as stupid as Li Peng;
   (3) If you want to be a noisy donkey, shut up!
   (4) If you don't like them, you die!

        I would like to post them to SCC for the first time,  for
the sake of a few ugly Chinamans I like. I may asked my friend to
forward them to rec.humor later. Bon jour!

                                        Deng Xiaoping
                                        Beijing, China

A Chinese worker was turned to police by his brother  after  June
4th  crackdown. He was reported to have said ``Li Peng looks very
stupid sometimes!'' when watching TV with his  brother.  However,
the  cops were too busy on searching for those fugitive elites to
deal with such a trivial thing.  They  decided  that  they  would
release  this  guy if he made an statement to correct what he al-
legedly had said. So he was finally freed with a  correct  state-
ment -- ``Li Peng does not look very stupid sometimes.''


Beijing's hard-line President Yang Shangkun finally came up  with
an idea to retaliate the economical sanction imposed by the US in
protesting China's violation of human rights. In  his  letter  to
President  Bush  brought  back by the US special envoy, President
Yang threatened that, if the current deteriorated  Sino-US  rela-
tionship continued, China would consider to cut off the export of
broccoli to the United States.


Q: How many Chinese students does it take to change a light bulb?

A: About 5,000 in late 1986 when they tossed away Hu Yaobang
   and Zhao Ziyang was the new light bulb; about 100,000 in
   mid-1989 when they tossed away Zhao Ziyang and Jiang Zemin
   was the new light bulb.


During his recent summit trip to USSR, China's hard-line  premier
Li  Peng  had  been  warmly welcomed by the country where he once
spent several years as a Chinese abroad  student.  Naturally,  he
would  seize  every opportunity to show off his knowledge of Rus-
sian language. Here his eyes happened to be caught by  this  book
[[Kak  Zakalialas'  Stal']] (The Forging of Steel) of Nikolai Os-
trovski on the Russian literature shelf during  a  visit  to  the
biggest  bookstore  in  Moscow  with  Gorbachev  and other Soviet
VIP's.  He then told Gorby that this book would be very  valuable
to  China's  iron  &  steel  industry  if it were translated into

However, Arkhipov, the first chairman of the  Soviet  Council  of
Ministers kindly reminded his Chinese guest of that this book had
been already translated into Chinese entitled [[Gang1  Tie3  Shi4
Zen3  Yang4  Lian4  Cheng2  De]] and it was loved by many Chinese
youth even way back when he  was  then  an  expert  to  China  in
1950's.  For  breaking  up  the  embarrassment,  Gorbachev  joked
Arkhipov,``Comrade, I hope you hadn't made the impression that it
was  our  beloved  hero  Ostrovski who should be blamed for Mao's
failure of his Steel Campaign in the Great Leap Forward period.''


Copyright (C) by Deng Xiaoping, 1990
All rights reserved under  Beijing International
Copyright  Bureau.  Permit is guaranteed  to any
individual who wants to  distribute or reproduce
for non-commercial purpose,  under the condition
that  the  entirety of the work is preserved and
this copyright notice is included.


There was this tramp  ("bum" in the U.S.A).
One cold winter's morning he was walking along a country road, when he heard
a cry for help from a nearby lake.

Without a moment's hesitation the tramp ran onto the ice and slipped and
slided over to a little girl.  He managed to pull her out without breaking
the ice further and he carried her back to the road.  He took off his coat
and wrapped the little girl in it and began looking for a car to flag down.

The father drives up.  "How can I ever thank you sir?" says the father
after putting his daughter into the warmth of the limo.  "Just name your
price - I'm a wealthy man."

"Ahem, well ..." stammered the tramp " I'm a little short of cash,
perhaps you could help me out"

"Oh dear" says the father, "I don't carry much cash with me, I only have
ten dollars - but come home with me and I'll get more from the safe"

"No! No!" says the tramp, "Why ten dollars is more money than I've seen in
my whole life - that will be plenty".

"Ten Dollars" thinks the tramp, "I'm rich!  I'm rich!", and off he goes
to the town, to buy himself a holiday.

He finds a travel agent, walks in - much to the disgust of the staff - and goes
up to the desk.  "I'll have one holiday please!"

"Ahem, which holiday would sir like" asked the girl at the desk, forcing a smile
"Oh, any holiday I don't mind, anything up to ten dollars" replied the tramp.

"TEN DOLLARS!!  You'll *never* get a holiday for ten dollars" says the girl

The girl goes into the back of the shop, and searches in the deepest, dustiest
filing drawers she can find.  There - to her amazement - she finds an old

"Well you'll never believe it" she says to the tramp, back in the shop.
"I've got you a holiday - its a super-duper, ultra-hyper, mega-economy class
round the world cruise - and it costs ten dollars"

"Yippee", exclaims the tramp, "I'll take it"


A few days later he arrives at the port, and there in the dock is the
most beautiful, most elaborately decorated, most expensive looking ocean-
going liner he has ever seen.

"Get off my ship ye dirty bum!" shouts a voice, and an irate captain storms
down the gangplank and kicks the tramp down onto the dockside.

"But I've got my ticket!", responds the tramp, "Super-duper, ultra-hyper,
mega-economy class, and I want on!"

"Ahem, well O.K.", says the captain, "But you can't come on just now,
I don't want my first-class passengers seeing you.  Come back at midnight
when it's dark and I'll let you on then."

So the tramp finds himself a quiet spot among some cargo cases on the
dockside, and he falls asleep.

"Psst", says a voice, waking him with a start.  It was the captain.
"Hurry up, it's midnight, let's get you to your cabin"

The tramp toddles after the captain, along the dockside, up the gangway,
and onto the ship - and what a ship!

First they went doen through the first class level:

Oriental carpets - 6" pile.  A genuine Rembrahndt on every wall.
Leave your shoes outside for cleaning, and the steward brings a new pair.
24 ct gold trim everywhere.

Then the second class:
As above, but perhaps the carpets were only 3" deep, and so on...

3rd, 4th, 5th class,
down past the casinos,
and the ballrooms,
down through the crew's quarters,
down through the galleys, and the engine rooms,
 until finally,
at the lowest point in the ship,
against the very hull,
the captain opens a watertight door into a tiny 7' x 4' cabin, with
a hammock, a bedside table, and an alarm clock.

"Sheer luxury!" exclaimed the tramp, "A room of my very own."

"I'm glad you like it" replies the captain, "but there is one more thing..."
"Your class of ticket only allows you to use the facilities of the ship,
at night - when all the other passengers are asleep.  So that's what the
alarm clock is for.  Enjoy your cruise."

Well the cruise began, and the tramp had a whale of a time.  Sleeping
by day, and up on deck at night - he loved it.
One-man-tennis, clay pigeon shooting, more food than he'd ever seen...

Then one morning, a week or so into the cruise, the tramp decided he'd
have a go on the diving board of the pool.  He had just enough time for
one dive before he had to go below.

He climbed up the ladder, stepped onto the board tip, bounced, and dived....
...and what a dive...!

Perfectly poised in the air, he hit the water without so much as a ripple.

Now unknown to him, the captain - who'd grown rather fond of the poor old
tramp - was standing watching this.

"That was amazing!" exclaimed the captain, "Where did you learn to dive like

"Eh, well I've never actually dived before" replied the tramp.

"Well that's incredible!" says the captain, "I've never seen ...."]

He broke off.

"Hey, I've an idea", he started again.

"How would you like to train a bit, and we'll put on a show for the
other passengers.  I'll pay you, and you can then afford to go first

"It's a deal!" says our man.

For the next 3 weeks the tramp practices like he's never practiced.
Back-flips, front-flips, triple-back sideways axled dives, you name it
he tried it.

Then one morning the captain came to talk.

"O.K. I'd like you to stay in your cabin for the next 2 days.  We're
going to erect a high diving board for you."

"O.K." agreed the tramp.

Two days passed, and the big day arrived.  The ship was humming with
excitement.  Everyone wanted to see the mystery diver.
The captain had provided the tramp with a new pair of swimming trunks
and he wore these as he stepped out onto the sun-beaten deck.

Gasps of astonishment from the crowd, and a hushed awe.

Higher than the eye could see, towering up and up, rose a slender column
of metal.

"Well tramp" said the captain, shaking his hand, "Let's see what you can do."
And with that the Captain handed him a walkie talkie.

And the tramp began to climb....
up and up ...
below him the ship grew smaller ...
on and on ...
past a solitary albatross ...
and still higher, till the ship was but a speck on the ocean below ...
and on
still further, till the ocean grew dim, and the earth itself began
to shrink...
past our moon ...
and on ...
and mars ...
and on ...
higher, and higher , through the asteroid belt,
and on and on towards the diving board,
... past the outer planets, until...
... on the outermost reaches of the Solar System ...
... he reached the board.
He climbed on top and radioed the captain .... and then...

             .' '.
            .     .
           .       .
he jumped .         .
slowly at first      :
but speeding up      :
faster, and faster
speeding past Pluto
and the other outer planets
through the asteroid belt:
past Mars,
and the moon,
and faster,
faster - ever faster,
and by now the earth was growing large in the distance,
the oceans and land masses grew clear,
faster, and faster...
past the albatross,
double-back somersault,
and he could see the ship, tiny in the distance,
hurtling down now, he posed, ready for the final 500 feet,

Down on the ship the crew strained their necks,

"I CAN SEE HIM!" yelled a passenger, "LOOK!!"

The tramp streaked down towards the pool, did a last triple flip, and dove...
















SMASH!  into into the sea bed, sinking a 37' shaft in the process.

Desperate for air he struggle out of the shaft, his lungs bursting he swam
frantically for the surface.
Up and up, desperate, gasping....

Out of the water, up the ladder onto the deck of the ship, into a throng
wild with acclaim.


And handing him a heated towel the captain spoke, as a hush fell over
the crowd.

"Well tramp, I have *NEVER* seen anything like that, *EVER*.
That was the most *STUPENDOUS* piece of diving I have ever seen"

The tramp blushed.
The captain went on:

"But tell me; most amazing of all is how you survived smashing through this
boat after you dived - how did you do it."

And the tramp looked at the captain, and the crowd and replied modestly:

"Well you see....

....I'm a poor tramp... you must understand ...

... I've been through many a hardship in my life"

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