Kid Stories

Kid Stories

Here's a collection which I've culled from over the last
6 months or so...


Billy often says things to one of us and we'll ask him to repeat 
it for the other parent (instead of us repeating it for him).  
I was outside when Billy told Mary something.  This was the 
dialog when I came back in:

Mary: Can you tell daddy what you told me?
Billy: No.
Me: Why not?
Billy: I wasn't listening.

and also this weekend...(Miss Manners need not fear competition just yet)

Billy: Get me more juice.
Me: I think there's a word missing from that sentence.
Billy: Get me more juice NOW!


Wow, we have a different problem entirely.  We get:

Anna: I want some more!
Me: More what, Anna?
Anna: I want some more, PLEASE!
Me:  Umm ... More milk?  More noodles? ...


Story 1: My daughter went through a long phase of role-playing 
based on characters from her favorite tapes, comic strips, etc.  
Each day we all had to learn a new set of assigned names 
(e.g. Lucy, Snoopy and Woodstock or Littlefoot, Ducky and Sara, 
etc.) and godforbid that we should forget!  Anyway, one Saturday 
morning I'm in bed about 8:30 (after getting home from work 
about 3:30 that morning).  Suddenly my daughter is standing 
over me, all bright-eyed and bushy-taled, saying "Hi Suzy!  
I'm Calvin!  Want to see what's in my lunch box?!?"

Story 2: My wife and I have long been fans of a particular Chinese 
restaurant here in town (Royal East, if anyone finds themselves 
in Cambridge) and from since she was old enough to sit up my 
daughter (and now her sister) have gone and have particularly 
enjoyed a dish called Refreshing Bean Sprouts (basically a big 
bowl of largish bean sprouts in a chinese/garlicy soy sauce).  
Anyway, from the beginning this dish has been known as "Worms" 
and a trip to the restaurant is not complete until Maera gets 
to order her big bowl of Worms.


My daughter (5-1/2) is currently going through something of a 
"Daddy's Girl" phase. Every Saturday night, we have a videos night 
and my daughter has been selecting own videos (within reason ;) 
for some time now. When she first selected "Bambi" my wife and I 
were somewhat concerned, having heard stories about young children 
becoming upset, particularly during the scene when Bambi's mother 
is shot.  However, my daughter didn't display any distress at all 
throughout the movie and has since seen it probably half-a-dozen 
times.   Anyway, a couple weekends ago my daughter chose "Bambi" 
as her movie. However, my wife and I become somewhat concerned as 
the crucial scene appeared and my daughter became (very unusually) 
quiet and subdued. She set there quietly for a couple of minutes, 
and then in a very quiet, still voice asked: "Bambi's Father is OK, 
isn't he?"


A good friend's daughter (also about 5-1/2) also watched "Bambi" 
for the first time. At the aforementioned "crucial scene" my 
friend waited for the reaction. Sarah (daughter) looked up and 
said, "I hear that deer meat tastes pretty good."

Would you worry if this were your kid, or what!?


This reminds me about a conversation that my daughter's preschool 
teacher relayed to me (a few years ago):

(Sara is on the playground, flapping arms in a flying motion)

Teacher:  What kind of animal are you?
Sara:     I'm a pterodactyl, looking for something to eat.
Teacher:  But there's nothing for you to eat.
Sara (Looking at the other kids on the playground): Yes there is!

I know that she wasn't reading Calvin & Hobbes, but perhaps she 
was seeing too many nature programs with hungry predators.


I took Dylan to the zoo this afternoon for a couple of hours.  
I made the mistake of not bringing his stroller, since he insisted 
that he wanted to walk or have me carry him.  One minute into our 
outing, he decided he'd had enough of walking :-(.  Conservatively, 
I would estimate that I spent 95% of the time at the zoo carrying 
this 30 pounder around (thank goodness for thrice weekly 
weightlifting workouts!).  Near the end of our trip, I said to 
Dylan, "Please walk for a little bit because Mommy is tired."  
He looked at me with the sweetest little face and said "Why Mom tired?"


Melissa once got out of eating broccoli by creative reasoning.  
She said "George Bush does not like broccoli & he is the BIG boss... 
so, if he doesn't eat it, I don't have to eat it."  It was so funny 
when she said it that we let her get away with not eating broccoli.  
She was watching the news last night & got very concerned.  With a 
very serious face she asked, "Mommy, if George Bush isn't president 
any more does that mean I have to eat broccoli ??"

After about 5 minutes she asked, "Can Clinton spell POTATO?"


OK, I'll add our political cute things they say.  This is courtesy of 
Joshua who will be 5 next month.

My husband and I were discussing the election and looking at the 
newspaper.  Joshua came up and pointed to a picture and said:

Joshua:  "That's Bill Clinton."
Me:  (very surprised) "That's right!  He's running for president."
Joshua:  "He can't be President because he lies!"
Me:  (again surprised) "How did you come to that conclusion?"
Joshua:  "Because the picture of President Bush said so right on the TV."

Gosh. Don't you just love these political campaigns!


Kina (almost 6) and Brittany (4) had the following conversation on 
election day.

Britt: Today is voting day. We will have a new president.  
Everybody has to vote so we can have money to build more roads so 
we wouldn't have a traffic jam.
Kina:  No, to build trains. (We have a light-rail measure.)
Britt: Who do you vote, Kina?
Kina:  I vote for George Bush because he is the president.
Britt: I vote for the guy who wanted to go to India but ended up in
Kina:  Christopher Columbus! But he's DEAD!
Britt: Ya, I like him and I'm going to vote for him.


A woman was out working in her yard the afternoon of 10/17/89.  
Her young son (2-3) turned the sprinklers on a couple of times, 
getting her wet.  She reprimanded him each time and finally lost 
patience, collecting the kid and depositing him in his crib.  She 
returned to the yard and the earthquake hit a few minutes later.  
There was a shriek from the house; she rushed inside to find the 
kid unharmed but clearly (no pun intended) shaken.  He was very 
quiet and calm for the next half hour.  When his father arrived 
home aroun 5:30, the kid approached him with great concern and 
seriousness, "Daddy, don't turn on the sprinkler."


Last night my 5 yo (who was playing Mother) said to her younger 
(almost 4 yo) sister, 

Sheera (5yo):	"You are impossible," (accompanied by a sigh worthy 
of Sara Bernhardt)  
Me:	"If she's impossible, what are you?"  
Sheera:	"I'm Possible, of course!"


My son (almost 3) is very into rhyming, and funny words that sound alike. 
So here's his joke:

Q. What does Pooh make in his diaper?
A. Pooh poop! (wild giggling)


Yesterday Michael was drinking Kool-Aid.  Jen gave it to him in a 
sipper cup, but left the lid off at Michael's insistence.  No problem, 
he's reasonably well-coordinated, we figure.  Well, he shifted his 
attention, then looked back down at his feet as cherry Kool-Aid 
poured onto the kitchen floor.  After I got him to stop pouring, 
he said in a nice calm voice, "Need da id on." 


The other day my son Iain (7-1/2) asked his mother what "allergic" 
meant.  She explained, to which he replied "I think I'm allergic to 
happiness."  Horrified, she asked him why he would say that. His 
quite logical (and reassuring) answer?  "Because whenever I'm really 
happy, my eyes get all watery!"


I have kept my son (20 months) in his daycare during my maternity 
leave. However, this week, the daycare is closed. I encouraged my 
son to watch me bath my daughter (10 weeks) to keep him out of 
trouble. He thought it was a barrel of laughs. When I was soaping 
her, he pulled up his shirt and was going through the motions. 
I told him daddy would give him a bath after dinner. Through the 
afternoon he kept checking the bathtub. (a fact I should have told 
daddy).  After dinner, daddy filled the tub and came to the computer 
room to ask me a question. Splash splash sounds started coming from 
the bathroom. There was Russell, fully clothed, shoes and all happily 
playing in the tub. 


I have an almost 6 yr old daughter, Jocelyn, and an 
almost 4 yr old son, James.  A friend came to visit recently 
and asked Jocelyn if we have a dog.  "No", she replied, "We have James".


I didn't get involved in the Chanukah-Christmas dominant 
culture-diversity discussions, but this story is related 
(and funny) so I thought I'd share it post-season:

My 8 year old (Jewish) niece asked her parents: "Can there be 
such a thing as a Jewish virgin?"


My son and I had to visit the urgent care center late the other 
night. And in the process he was requested to provide a urine sample.  
After he had done that and we returned to the examination room waiting 
for the doctor to return (with the door open), David pointed to the 
see through urine sample cup and said in a fairly loud voice "Mom, 
why does the doctor want that?" I said that she wanted to check that 
it was ok. He gave me a strange look and said "Oh, how YUCKY!!!".  
Which both the doctor and nurse heard and were doubled up laughing 
at this exchange. Later when we were finishing up at the reception 
desk the doctor asked David what he wanted to be when he was grown 
up.  He said "I'm not going to be a doctor.  You have to listen to 
crying kids and do things with their wee-wee.  Yuck!!"  :-)


My sister's son, Jason (age 13), was watching the news when the 
newscaster said something about how President-elect Clinton 
looks when jogging in his running shorts - something about how 
he looks like he's got prostate trouble.  Jason starts laughing 
hysterically ...

My sister:  Jason, do you even know what a prostrate is?
Jason:  Sure, it's those women that hang out on the street downtown!


How about this: Beth, 3.5, was watching old Star Trek with us. 
They beamed down somewhere and met up with some menace or another. 
Beth says to me, puzzled, "all those red people are falling down 
and all those different colours people are not!" "Red person" means 
person wearing red; yes at three and a half she has noticed the 
redshirt phenomenon!


Sara, my 3.5 year old granddaughter, still likes her naps in the 
afternoon. Last Saturday we were out shopping close to her nap time.  
We were leaving the mall and she said Grandma could you please carry 
me.  I had my hands and arms full of packages and said, "Sara could 
you just walk a few more steps." Her reply was "Grandma, my batteries 
are dead and my legs won't work anymore." I thought I would crack up.  
Well you know what I did.  I juggled the packages around and picked 
her up.  She was asleep before got home.


Keje (4yo) is under the dinner table reading his "encyclopedia" 
while the rest of us are still eating. At a picture of the solar 
system he says:
"These are the planets and one of them is Snoopy."
Long silence in which mom and dad wreck their brains. Rianne 
is the first to understand.
"No Keje, that's Pluto."


On the front of converstions with me, I kind of liked this 
religious discussion:

Tim:  If I got very, very sick I might die ... (this was more 
analytical than being sad about dying).
Me:   Yes, but that wouldn't be so bad.  You could go to heaven 
and be with God.
Tim:  But if I was from Tibet I could just decide to live another life!


My wife Kathy was picking up David from kindergarten yesterday 
when he exclaimed, "Mom, look at the old-fashioned car!" Expecting 
to see a Model T, or maybe something from the 1930's, Kathy looked 
around to see... 

A Volkswagen Beetle, the kind of car she learned to drive in. I wonder 
how long it'll be before he identifies my '84 Rabbit as old-fashioned? 


This morning while changing Billy:

me: (yawn)
Billy: Are you tired?
me: Yes, I am.
Billy: Go get some sleep.
me: (astounded) Will you let me?
Billy: no!


Last week PBS had on THE MIRACLE OF LIFE and I watched with my 
three sons.  The two older ones basically just accepted what was 
going on but the youngest (six) had many questions.  
I just tried to nonchalantly answer most of them until... 
They were showing the inside of a testicle and he said:

"What's that?"
The oldest answered:  "That's a ball" (giggle giggle giggle)

After a few seconds of thought:
"What kind of ball, a baseball or a basketball?"


Hi---here is a cute remark to help you start out your week (it 
is especially fun for us C-sectioners!)!

Yesterday, we went to visit a friend of mine who just had a baby 
a few days ago.   While we were visiting, my son was pretty much 
occupied with the TV set as my friend gave her "birth story"---she 
had a natural delivery.  Anyway, on the way home, my son said to 
me--very seriously--"Mom, thank you for letting me and Toni come 
out of your belly, I think coming out the other way would be 
pretty squishy".  He was just sounded so grateful--he had this 
wonderful, thankful look on this face--it was so precious.  
Since I was trying to give his remark the respect it deserved--
(plus I needed to stay in control of my car)--I tried to remain 
very much in control--so I eked out a response: "no problem, 
Vince"---gosh, aren't kids wonderful?  


We took our three oldest (9, 7, 5) to see a musical (show) last 
night ("Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"). One of the 
actors/roles was an impression of Elvis.  When he came on stage, my 
oldest turns to my wife and asks: "Who is he supposed to be?  
Michael Jackson?" 



Last night while getting Billy (34 months) ready for bed, he 
was delaying (as usual), which cuts into reading time.

me: I don't understand, I thought you liked to read at night.
Billy: I do.
me: Then why won't you get ready for bed?
Billy: I have to dawdle before you put on my sleeper.
me: Why?
Billy: It's my job!


When my 27 month old daughter wakes up, she occasionally wants 
instant attention.  So one morning, her wails awakened me from a 
deep night's sleep and I went into her bedroom directly, without 
stopping to go to the bathroom.  There is a bathroom just one 
door down from her bedrooom.  So after calming her and getting  
her to start her normal morning playing in the crib, I said "Mommy 
will be right back.  I'm just going around the corner to go 
pee-pee." (We're potty training, of course).  While I was in the 
bathroom, my husband arose and went into Miranda's room. "Where's 
Mommy?" he asked.  "Mommy is pee-peeing in the corner," my daughter 
promptly answered.


We were in the car, headed for my inlaw's 50th anniversary party. Brian 
and I were going over who was arriving at what time, and to one 
piece of information he said "so you remembered to phone [someone] 
to say he should call earlier than he had planned?" My brain was a 
few seconds behind my mouth: I answered "ah, shhhhhhh---" before 
tailing off. There was a short pause and then Beth chirped up 
from beside me:

"What were you going to say, Mummy? Shit?"

and yes, it was a nice lead-in to our (perennial) conversation 
about how swearing is a bad habit that Mummy is trying to stop 
and Beth would do well never to start. Sigh.


When Jennifer was around 2-1/2 (she will be 4 next month!), 
my sister was sitting down and had a huge run in her nylon.  
Jennifer spots it and in the most horrified voice states, "Aunt 
Maria, WHAT happened to your leg! It's falling apart!"  We just 
about died laughing.  We did manage to convince her that Aunt 
Maria was just fine.


Christopher is currently potty-training and yesterday, when I 
picked him up from daycare, I was parked next to a spot with a 
handicapped-parking sign, i.e. the person-in-a-wheelchair diagram.
Christopher pointed at the sign and said, "Look! He's sitting on the 
potty!  Good for you!  He's trying to go pee-pee and poo-poo!"

Now if he would just learn to do it himself.


Tonight at a restaurant, my wife's sister took Madeleine -- age 
four -- to the ladies room.  My sister in law returned and said 
that Maddy had said "Jane, you have hair on your vagina, and 
Mommy does too and so does Grandma!  But I don't!"  All in as 
loud a voice as possible.  Jane just said, "Yes that's right"


Recently my sister-in-law was helping my seven year old niece with her 
English homework.  They were working on verbs and contractions.  
She asked Emily if she knew what a contraction was.  Emily said 
"Yes, that's what ladies have when they are having a baby." We 
cracked up thinking about what would have happened had she responded 
to that question in class.  Emily has a new baby sister so she knew 
what she was talking about.


Just this morning, my 3-yr-old daughter asked me if she could taste 
some of the new snack food I bought to pack in her and her brother's 
lunches.  It is bacon-and-cheese-flavored crackers with pretzels and 
peanuts.  I gave her a little bit and she tasted it and said, 
"Hmmmm, tastes just like dog food."

I wasn't aware she was eating the dog's food....


Yesterday Katie (4 yrs old) told us during dinner that she wanted 
a job.  She asked if she could get a job as a newspaper person, 
but I said that she wasnÕt old enough, so we talked about jobs 
she could do at home.  She started by saying that she wanted to 
be in charge of cleaning "the whole house" (right!), but eventually 
we agreed that she could clear the table and load the dishwasher 
after dinner each night.  She then said that she wondered how much 
money she could earn for such a job.  I suggested 50 cents a week; 
without missing a beat, she said, "I think $10 a day would be fair!"  
I may need a second job to pay for hers!


At almost-4, Angelica is well into the stage where prolonged silence 
means disaster. In the last week she has managed to, in complete 
silence ....
Do a complete chop job on her bangs with the scissors while she was 
in my office sitting under the other desk quietly cutting out 
magazine pictures
"Look, I made it snow in the bedroom" by hurling handfuls of 
cornstarch over every square inch of the bedroom while she 
seemed to be in there quietly playing with her dolls.

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